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Chapter: 53: Missing Request #1

Thank you, tynadoblueyt and -theowo- for requesting :) I combined your request together to make the most angst I probably have made in a long time.

This was made before the official results so yeah :')

This wasn't suppose to happen. It was all suppose to be fun and new for everyone.

It definitely was new. Not the good kind though.

Inkopolis was deserted. Paper, knocked over cans, and lost belongings were all over the place. Cars were either destroyed, or just abandoned.

Pearl walked around the deserted area, hands stuffed in her torn hoodie. A nasty gash under her eye was present, leaving a trail of dried ink going down her cheek. Her face was covered with dirt and cuts.

Her once shining golden eyes now looked dead. She kicked a can, causing it to roll off into the distance.

Chaos has won. Beat Order by a whole landslide. It had only been a few weeks, but Pearl can remember that day like it was yesterday.

Everyone was silent as the results appeared on screen. Pearl remembers Marina's teal tentacles halting their soft motion as her expression was unreadable. 

The teleprompter was glowing above their camera as they stayed silent for a few moments.

"Haha! See Rina? The squids have spoken. Chaos is the way to go!" She had read off the prompter.

Marina didn't reply right away, not facing the camera.


Pearl will never forget the cold glance Marina had given her as she turned Pearl. That cold glance remained as she looks into the camera. "Good job Team Order. You did great. Congrats Chaos." She had said, not adding any enthusiasm behind her words.

She walked from behind her turntables and walked out the door, off camera. Pearl called out for her but Marina didn't turn back. The staff was silent. Pearl was silent. The audience was silent.

Pearl shook her head as she continued to roam the broken square. Ever since that day she hasn't heard or seen Marina. She had tried calling and texting but no answers.

Pearl had ran home, trying to locate Marina. When she slammed  the door open, frantically calling out for Marina. She was no where to be found.

She wasn't even home. Some of her belongings were missing and there was a letter on the counter.

Pearl pulled the letter out of her torn hoodie as she held it in her hand. Marina poured all her feelings in this letter. What she felt about the Splatfest, what she felt about the inkling society, and more importantly,

What she felt about Pearl.

Because of this letter, she was determined to find her missing best friend. She refused to give up. She needed to know if she was okay. She needed to show her how she feels. She needed to explain to her, why she had chosen Chaos.

Marina always over analyzes things so she might think Pearl was planning something terrible, when really Pearl was just wanting a change for Off The Hook. Like new music, new opportunities for them and stuff.

Pearl's looked almost everywhere for the Octoling, including Mt. Nantai.

Maybe...she went back to Octo Valley. Or maybe she went down deeper in the Metro, where she had found Sky and Tera with CQ.

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