Flipped Over Squid

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Chapter 15: Flipped Over Squid

"Pearlie! Are you ready?!" Marina shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a second!" She shouted back.

Pearl looks in the mirror as she places on her red ninja mask over her eyes.

Today was the day of the Splatfest and the idols wanted to dress up for it. Marina put on a blue ninja mask over her face and a plastic odachi sword to represent Leo.

Pearl however, wanted to go full on ninja turtle by placing a makeshift turtle shell that was big enough to hide herself inside it. She had a red ninja mask with wooden guards (idk what they are called lol)

She runs down stairs, nearly running into Marina.

"Whoa Pearlie, slow down before you hurt yourself." Marina giggles.

"Also, don't you think that's a little too much?" She asks, gesturing to her shell.

"Nah! If I'm gonna be raph, I gotta wear this shell to protect and block the path yo!" Pearl rapped proudly.

Marina laughs as she pats Pearl's head.

"Save the raps for when we get out there! Come on, Let's get out there!" Marina says as she opens the front door.

Pearl walks out, followed by Marina who locked the door behind them.


"Y'all fresh out there!" Pearl shouted to the crowd as she throws her hands in the air.

"It's Off the Hook, performing live in the center of Inkopolis Square!"

They announced the stages and began to perform.

With the big shell, it made dancing a little difficult for Pearl. However that doesn't stop Pearl from doing what she does.

As she was jumping up and down during Marina's verse, she had landed on her feet wrong and fell backwards.

The music paused and Marina's voice rang out to Pearl.

"Pearlie?" She asked as she walks over to Pearl.

All she got was grunts of Pearl trying to get up from her current state but she couldn't flip herself over due to the shell's shape.

Serveral moments later, she called out.

"Mar, help me please..."  She asked as she held up her hands.

Marina giggled and pulled her up.

Pearl faces the crowd and sees many of them with their phones out, probably taking pictures or recording.

Clearing her throat, she says "Uh sorry bout' that haha! I must of been dancing too energetically!"

Looking at the time, she shouts, "Well y'all it's break time for us so see ya guys in a little bit yo!"


"Pearlie, are you going to take that shell off soon?" Marina ask as they walk into their home.

"Nah, It's kinda fun being in this ya know!" Pearl said with a smile.

"Even when you fel-"

"Don't bring that up Mar!" Pearl interrupted, acting like she was annoyed.

Marina giggled and gave Pearl a kiss on the forehead.

"Haha, anyway I'm gonna freshen up so I'll be back" She says as she walks down the hall.

Pearl stands by the couch, checking Squidstagram. She watches the videos on how she fell over during the performance.

She groaned loudly as she held her head back and stood on her heels. Because she did that, she lost balance and once again fell over on her shell.


Annoyed, she tried to roll over but the shell kept her upward.

Soon, she just gave up and looked at the ceiling.

Then she remembered that Marina was just down the hall.


No response


Still no response.



What the shell is she doing to not hear Pearl screaming her name. Pearl was pretty sure the whole apartment complex can hear her.

Wiping out her phone, she dialed Marina's number.


"Hello?" Rang Marina's voice.

"Mar." Pearl simply said.

"What is it Pearlie?" She asked.

"I fell." Pearl said.

"Ok? Then get back up." She said, forgetting that Pearl had the shell.

"I can't."

"Why? Oh cod, Are you hurt?!" Marina suddenly asked worried.

"No Mar! Remember the shell..."

"Oh! Sorry Pearl! I'll be there right now!" Marina said as she hung up.

Few moments later, Marina had appeared and pulled Pearl up to her feet.

The moment Pearl got up, she ripped the shell off and threw it to the ground.

"Mar, if there's any Splatfest that involves a shell, don't let me wear one again." She said.

"Alright Pearl." Marina says as she scoops Pearl into her arms into a loving hug.

"Quick question, how come you didn't hear me when I screamed your name?" Pearl asked in curiosity.

"I was in the recording room. Remember, it is soundproof so the inside won't be interrupted." Marina explained.

"Oh ye! Totally forgot yo!" Pearl says.

Marina lets out a cute laugh and Pearl stared at her with a blush.

Without thinking, she lunged forward, claiming Marina's lips with hers as she locks her arms around her neck.

The DJ was surprised but quickly began to kiss back.

Pearl smiled through their little makeout session.

'Welp who needs a shell, when you have the one person to love and protect you at all cost'

And that's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it and see ya next time!

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