Talking With Hagrid and Christmas Gifts

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"Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" Hagrid said, his voice being quite loud.

"Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three headed dog on Halloween?" Harry said, Hagrid stopping in his tracks at the mention of the dog.

"Who told you 'bout fluffy?" He asked the four.

"That thing has a name?" Carson said, mouth agape.

"And it's name is FLUFFY?" Ron said, even more shocked at the name.

"Well of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him of an Irish feller I met down in the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the..." Hagrid trailed off, about to give the name of what was down the trapdoor.

"Yes?" Hermione said, trying to get him to finish his sentence.

"Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! That stuff's top secret that is."

"But Hagrid! Whatever Fluffy's guarding is what Snape's after!" Carson said, earning nods of agreement from the rest of the friends.

"Codswallop. Snape's a Hogwarts teacher." Hagrid said, dismissing the accusation.

"Hogwarts teacher or not I know a curse when I see one! You need to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking!" Hermione said, earning a "You should listen to her you know. 'Mione knows everything there is about magic!" From Carson.

"Now, you listen to me, all three of you. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Hagrid said, earning the four first years another clue about what's down there.

"Nicolas Flamel..? You know who that is 'Mione?" Carson asked, hoping she would know the answer.

As Hermione shook her head no, a blush on her cheeks as Hagrid was mumbling, "Shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that." Over and over again.

Christmas time was now approaching at Hogwarts, and much to Carson's sadness, Hermione would be going back home for the break. Carson had decided to stay, since his two other best friends were staying. Yes, Hermione is the main best friend.

Harry and Ron were playing Wizards chess in the great hall as the Hogwarts ghosts were singing Christmas Carols and Professor Flitwick was decorating the tree with his wand.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said, watching Ron's queen piece take one of Harry's knights.

"That's wizards chess, I see you've packed." Ron said, a smirk on his face. Hermione retorted back with, "I see you haven't."

"Change of plans, my mum and dad are going to visit my brother Charlie in Romania. He's studying dragons there."

"Good! Now you can help Carson and Harry search the library for Nicolas Flamel." She said, smiling at Carson, and not even sparing a glace to Harry.

"But we've looked over 100 times!" Ron said, groaning as he did so.

She lent over to the boys and whispered in their ears, "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas!" she said, as she gave Carson a hug and the other two boys handshakes. She went off with her stuff to catch the train, leaving for the holidays.

"Think we've got a bad influence on her." Carson said, watching her leave the great hall.

Christmas morning was an interesting day for the three Gryffindors. Ron woke them up bright and early to open presents. Carson received broom polish from his parents along with a few sweets, a book about quidditch from Harry, a green Weasley sweater from Ron, and a bunch of muggle candies, along with a watch from Hermione. Carson slipped it on right away.

Carson had given Ron, Harry, and Hermione various wizarding sweets, along with broom polish and servicing kit for Harry, a Chudley Cannons poster for Ron, and a copy of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' By Newt Scamander for Hermione.

Everyone loved their gifts, and Carson wrote to Hermione thanking her, coming back down to see Ron and Harry, but Harrys body was missing.

"Harry! What happened to the rest of your body?!" Carson said, very alarmed. Harry took his cloak off, revealing the rest of his body.

"An invisibility cloak! Woah!" Carson said in amazement once he realized what it was. "We can use it to get into the restricted section! I'm sure Hermione would approve!" Carson said, thinking of a way to do so.

"They way you talk about her, you must fancy her." Ron said, making Carson blush and try to deny it. Maybe he did a little bit.

"Carson and Hermione sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Harry started, Ron continuing the song once Carson had stopped Harry. "First comes love, than comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Ron finished, the two boys high fiving while Carson was beet red, yelling for them to stop. Thank god Fred and George weren't there.

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