Back at Hogwarts

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The rest of the night was a blur for Carson. Remus and Tonks had taken the group back to Hogwarts, minus Harry, as he was in no condition to travel. They arrived at the Hogwarts hospital wing, and were immediately tended to. Hermione was placed in a bed, Madame Pomfrey treating the curse she had taken.

Carson was placed on the bed next to Hermione, Madame Pomfrey was hoping that being near her would somewhat calm down the boy, as he was still shaken up and angry. She had also slipped Carson some dreamless sleep potion and a drowsiness potion in his water and he fell into a peaceful slumber for the night.

When he awoke the next morning, he saw Hermione awake with a book in her hands. She turned over to him and smiled, Carson getting up and hugging her tightly. She slid over in the bed and Carson slipped in next to her.

"I'm so glad you're okay Hermione...I don't know what I would do without you. I love you, so, so much." Carson muttered, hugging her again. Hermione rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I love you too Carson, more than life itself." Hermione whispered, her head not leaving it's spot on his chest.

The two stayed like that until Dumbledore took Carson into his office, and Hermione was going to be informed of what happened after she was cursed. Neville had agreed to tell Hermione, since he saw everything and knew what really happened.

"I understand how you feel Carson.."

"No you don't."

"You forget that Steven was my friend too. You are not the only person on this earth capable of feelings Carson." Dumbledore stated, and Carson began to grow angry at him. He was acting as if he had not ignored them all year and never warned Harry about anything.

"Shut up! He wasn't your father! You were there! You could've stopped it! You didn't have feelings last year when you made me compete in a tournament that killed me! You wanna talk about feelings? You've caused my nightmares! I've had nightmares all year in that graveyard thanks to you! Have you cared?! Not once! You've ignored us all year!"

"There is no shame in feeling pain Carson. It is your greatest strength." Dumbledore said calmly, as Carson felt another flash of anger go through him.

"You don't have a clue! You can't possibly know!"

"What can't I know?"

Carson grabbed something off his desk and threw it across the room, as Dumbledore looked unfazed.

"This pain is a part of being human Carson..."

"Then I don't want to be human! I don't care! I don't care anymore! Kill me! Kill me, just do it! I want out! Just end it!" Carson shouted, falling to his knees again. He got back on his feet quickly and went for the door. He tried to open it but it wouldn't move.

"Let me out."


"You can't keep me in here!"

"I daresay I can Carson."

"No! I need to see Hermione! I need to make sure she's okay!"

"Miss Granger will be fine. She is in the care of Madam Pomfrey."

Carson went back over to the chair and sat down, refusing to look Dumbledore in the eye.

"It is my fault Sirius and Steven died last night. I have kept things from Harry, and if I had told him he wouldn't have gotten you to go to the ministry, and they wouldn't have died. That fault lies with me. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me one day."

"Let me out now. I'm done with this conversation." Carson commanded, and Dumbledore unlocked the door again. Carson stepped out and went back to the hospital wing to see his mother talking to Hermione.

Both of them went quiet when they saw Carson arrive again, giving his mother a sad smile, trying to assure her he was okay, and Mary stood up and rushed him into a hug. The two cried into each other, never breaking their hug. The department of mysteries tore their family apart.

Everyone else watched the encounter with great sorrow, nobody had ever expected this to have happened. This had been a family matter, but everyone from the DA who had gone to protect Steven and Sirius in the department of mysteries, was family to Carson now.

Professor McGonagall even came in to see Carson, and she had also continued her offer for the next year too. If Carson ever needed to talk or let it out he would go straight to her, and she would welcome him with open arms. She had also thanked him for making sure she was alright and protecting her after she had been hit with the stunners.

At the end of the day, just before the feast, Hermione, Ron, and Carson were let out of the hospital wing. They met up with Harry in the entrance hall, and Hermione engulfed him in a bear hug.

"Harry, how are you doing?"

"Better. How are you?"

"Good as new mate."

"Carson? How are you feeling?"


"Let's head to the feast, shall we?" Hermione asked, dropping the subject of Steven and Sirius's deaths.

The four made their way inside and Harry spoke up again. "I've got to tell you something. Something important, but not yet. Later."

"Alright then. Whenever you're ready Harry."

The three friends make their way inside to the feast, and Harry went to talk to Luna for a bit.

"Carson mate, mum heard about what happened. She wants you to come stay at the burrow this summer. If you and your mum agree to it of course."

"I don't know Ron...mum might need me. I think she's worse off than I am. I'll ask her though."

"That's all mum asks."

As the three kept eating and enjoying the feast and talking to the others who had been a part of the DA and department of mysteries, Carson smiled and truly felt happy. Nothing could make him feel better, except for his friends and girlfriend. And for the first time today, Carson smiled, a genuine smile. And even though dark times were ahead, there was always a light. All you have to do is just find it when you need it, or create it.

The quartet left Hogwarts that year in a somber mood, but they knew there were both good and bad things to come next year. As long as they stuck together, they would be alright. Carson was sure of it.

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