The DA Meeting

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"So today we will be working on our patronuses, the incantation is 'expecto patronum'. You need to think of the happiest memory you have. Get started."

Carson already knew how to do the patronus charm, but Hermione didn't. He helped her think of her happiest memory, and she had decided on their first kiss. When she cast the spell, her patronus was an otter before it switched to a fox. They both looked at each other in confusion, and Carson cast his patronus again, for his fox to turn into an otter.

"'re patronuses change. Congratulations lovebirds."

"What are you talking about Harry?"

"When two people are deeply in love, their patronuses switch to their partner's. They interchange, it shows that the two are in love and most likely will be in love forever. All I ask is to be your best man at the wedding Carson."

"Woah..." Both Hermione and Carson mumbled out in awe. They smiled at each other before practicing more spells.

As they practiced, Dobby apparated into the room with a crack.


"Mr. Harry Potter!"

"What is it Dobby?"

"She knows!"

"Is it Umbridge?" Carson asked, as Dobby nodded his head.

"She knows Harry Potter, Carson Marshall, she's coming!"

"Get out of here! Now!" Carson shouted, opening the door and everyone making a mad dash for the exit. They all got out, and as Harry and Carson were walking back, Malfoy popped out.

"Got you now Potter, Marshall! Professor! Over here! I caught two!"

"It's them! Well done Draco. On your feet Potter, Marshall! We're going to see the headmaster. Draco, search for the others, check in the library, empty classrooms, everywhere. We must find them!"

The two boys were manhandled by Umbridge and shoved into Dumbledore's office.

"You may be high inquisitor of this school Dolores, but you may not manhandle my students. Kindly stop and let them go."

Fudge walked in looking pleasantly at the sight. He clasped his hands together before speaking, "Well, well, well, Mr. Potter, Mr. Marshall! I expect you know the reason as to why you're here?"

"No." Both of them said at the same time.

"You don't? You haven't broken any school rules?"

"School rules? No, I'm a prefect sir. I don't break rules."

"Or ministerial decrees?"

"Not that we know of."

Umbridge opens the door to show Cho's friend Marietta with the word 'sneak' spelled out on her forehead with pimples. Carson knew that was Hermione's doing, only one witch could be that smart. Although she had been crying, maybe because of what had happened when she told the DA.

"I'm afraid the poor girl is unable to speak. But I shall tell you the events that transpired. Shortly after dinner she came to me and said if I went to the room of requirement I would find an illegally formed student defense group. It was at that time this hex took effect. Since I had received information that Potter, Marshall and many other students had met in the hog's head to start an illegal group..."

"I'm not sure that's true professor." Dumbledore interrupted.

"I'm sorry?"

"In point of fact, when young Potter and Marshall met those students it was not illegal."

"But two days later educational decree twenty-four was introduced."

"How do you even remember? There's like two hundred decrees you've forced on the school." Carson interrupted, Umbridge glaring at him in the process.

"I wonder that same question Mr. Marshall. Again, quite correct. However, I wonder if you have any evidence this group has been meeting since then?"

"I have a witness right here!"

"Correct again. I must confess that I was, however, under the impression that this young girl only told you there was a meeting going on tonight?"

"Let's ask her shall we? You can shake your head for an answer dear. Now, have there been any more meetings?" And Maryetta shook her head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head girl?"

"Usually it means no Umbridge."

"Mr. Marshall I am a teacher and you shall respect me as such."

"Dolores the boy is right, it usually does mean no. I think she was saying there haven't been any more meetings? Would that be correct?" and Marietta nodded her head.

Umbridge grabbed Marietta by the cloak and shook her roughly, as Dumbledore stood up and drew his wand.

"Again, I cannot have you manhandling my students, Professor Umbridge."

"My apologies Headmaster, I forgot myself."

"Maybe that's a sign that you really shouldn't be a teacher!" Professor McGonagall shushed Carson, but sent him a wink.

"Well, what was the meeting about tonight?" Fudge asked, and Umbridge took control again.

"Right. Of course. Well, we proceeded down to the room and entered, we caught Potter and Marshall just outside. But it doesn't matter, we have all their names." Umbridge smiled and held up the paper Hermione had made. Carson and Harry gasped softly. Fudge gasped as well and snatched it out of her hands.

"So, Dumbledore, you've been behind this whole thing? Dumbledore's army."

"I knew we should've named it We hate Umbridge club!"

"Not now Carson!"

"Well Minister, you've caught me."

"This has been all of your doing! You've been recruiting students for your army!"

"Quite correct Cornelius."

"I knew it! I knew it! You've been plotting against me this whole time!"

"That's right!"

"This is too good to be true!"

"That's because it's not you...!" Carson retaliated, Professor McGonagall silencing him before he could finish. fudge paid him no mind however.

"Professor no!"

"Quiet Harry!"

"Yes, shut up Potter. So, you'll be coming with me to the ministry..."

"Ah, I see we've hit a little snag, you think I'm going to come quietly?"

"Resisting arrest are you Dumbledore?"

"Precisely, I have no intention of going to azkaban."

As Dumbledore resisted arrest, he stunned everyone and Fawkes flew by, Dumbledore clapped his hands, and he and Fawkes were gone. He had left Hogwarts.

Dumbledore had told Professor McGonagall where he was going, and she was to become the new headmistress for the time being if Umbridge didn't take it from her. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was now controlled by Dolores Umbridge.

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