Breaking Into the Ministry

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"Right. So let's do it. Who gets who?" Ron asked, as four wizards were propped up against the wall unconscious.

"Well, unless one of you fancies wearing a skirt..." Hermione trailed off, motioning to the witch she was transforming into. She plucked a hair from their heads and put them into the potion.

"Remember what we said. Keep your eyes down. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Act as normal as possible. Just do what you see everyone else doing. We do that, and with a bit of luck, we get ourselves inside. And then..."

"It gets really tricky."


"Are you sure this is safe 'Mione? You know, for the baby?"

"Yes Carson, it is completely safe. He'll be fine."

"This is completely mental."

"Completely, utterly, without question."

"The world's mental. Come on, drink up. We've got a Horcrux to find." Ron told them, as they all drank the potion.

"In case you're interested, I'm Reg Cattermole, Magical Maintenance Department." Ron stated, as he turned into Reg.

"Mafalda Hopkirk, assistant in the Improper Use of Magic Office." Hermione shared.

"We're nobody." Harry and Carson stated, finding no ID's in any of their pockets.

"You're somebody. Be careful."

They get into the ministry easily, but now they just need to find the horcrux. And that's where everything goes downhill.

"Are those...?" Harry asked, seeing the magic is might statue. Hermione nodded, disgusted.

"Muggles. In their rightful place."

"Move it, will you... oh, Runcorn! Forgive me..." One wizard said as he walked by.

"You appear to be quite popular." Hermione shared, seeing more wizards and witches walk by and stare at Harry.

"I gotta tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit." Ron commented.

"Me too." Carson added.

Just then, a gang of young, rough-looking wizards, led by their leader, enter the Atrium, pushing along a small group of captives.

"The Ministry must be hiring young people these days." Harry stated.

"They're not Ministry. They're Snatchers. They hunt Muggle-borns and blood-traitors for a price."

"How long did you say this batch of Polyjuice Potion would last, 'Mione?"

"I didn't."

"Cattlemole!" Yaxley called, walking over to the three. "It's still raining in my office. Two days now."

"Really? Have you tried an umbrella?"

Yaxley eyes Ron closely before getting up really close to his face.

"You do realize I'm on my way downstairs, don't you, Cattermole?"


"To interrogate your wife! If my wife's blood status were in doubt and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement needed a job doing, I think I'd make it a priority. You've got one hour."

Then the elevator shows up. They all walk in, Carson pulling Ron inside as he stays frozen from where Yaxley just was.

"Oh my god. What am I going to do? My wife's all alone downstairs?" Ron ranted.

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