Chapter 1 - In trouble again

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Jessica's Pov

I knew my dad was in there, I could tell that one of the muffled voices was his and the other belonged to the head teacher.

Senior Year had just started two weeks ago and I was in trouble already. I had got into a fight with another girl after she told me that I should be in foster care as it was more than likely myparents to would be killed on the job. She didn't really have time to say anything else as I had dropped all my bags on the floor and started punching her and now here I was sat outside the principles office waiting to hear what my punishment would be.

I was brought out of my daydream when I heard the office door open, I looked up and saw my dad's face to say he was angry was an understatement not only had he been called away from work, he had just been told that I had just started punching someone for apparently no reason at all.

"Let's go" he said starting to walk down the corridor. I grabbed my bag and hurried after him.

"Look dad I can explain..." I started but he was having none of it.

"I don't want to hear your excuses Jess, you know how to behave but now you've gone and got yourself suspended" he says angrily


Suspended, I'd never been suspended before. I think this time I'd pushed it a bit far.

We sat in an awkward silence on the drive over to the Firehouse, I could tell by the look on his face he was still cross with me and I knew that when dad was angry it was best to leave him alone. So that I what I did.

We remained silent until we were in the Firehouse commons room.

"Give me your phone" he said bluntly. Reluctantly I reached into my pocket and handed him my phone.

"I'm keeping this until you prove that you deserve it" he says angrily before walking off back to his office.

I let out a long heavy sigh and sat down at the table, it had been a while since I was last at 51 and there were a quite a few people I didn't recognise and two of them were stood in the kitchen arguing over what seemed to be a bag of flax seeds. I decided to leave them to it and reached into my bag to look for my sketchbook. For fucks sake, I had left it at home as it wouldn't fit in my bag, I took it everywhere with me usually but today the one day I actually needed something to do I hadn't got it.

I slumped back in my chair now incredibly bored and thats when a very familiar face walked in and spotted me.

"Hey! It's Casey Jr" says the all too familiar voice of Kelly Severide.

"Hey Kelly" I said not really in the mood to talk.

Seeing something was on my mind he sat down next to me and began to talk
"Whats up kid, you'd dad said you'd been in a fight"

"Yep, and he's being a complete asshole and not listening to my side of the story" I tell him

"You know what Caseys like I'm sure he'll hear you out once he's calmed down a bit." Kelly replies

"I don't think he will especially since I'm suspended." I say

"Woah, was it really that big of a fight?" He asks me quite shocked

"No, its because she said that I had no reason for punching her and just did it because I felt like it" I answer slumping further back in my chair.

A sympathetic look comes on his face "You know your mum has been going on about how skilled you are at Netball and we just got a hoop out on the apparatus floor fancy a go?" He asks smiling

"I'd love to" I say jumping up and following him out of the common room.

Kelly stops in the doorway and turns to the two men in the kitchen "if you two put any of that healthy shit in the food consider yourselves fired." They both look at Kelly and nod ok and we continue on our way to the apparatus floor.

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