Chapter 68 - Walk in patient

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"Another patient successfully transported to med" T.K says as he joins me after talking to one of the Ed doctors. I was busy filling out the handover paperwork as that had become my job because T.K just didn't want to do it.

"Yep, all in a days work" I agreed with him signing the form and handing it ot a nurse.

"Let's get back to the station, Judd said he was going to make His spicy chicken wings for lunch and I'm not missing out on those" he tells me picking up the box filled with our refill supplies.

I nod in agreement and together we head to the Ambo and back to 19.


Back at the Firehouse

I was helping Judd clean up in the kitchen after a very good lunch of spicy wings and salad when Lt Hererra walks in

"JC there's a walk in patient downstairs in the lobby got her hand all mangled up, are you good to go deal with it?"

"Sure thing Lieutenant" I reply putting the tea towel I was holding down And headed downstairs

I realised who the walk in was when I was a couple steps from the bottom


I couldn't belive my eyes, it had been months since we'd seen each other and now here she was.

"Jess? What the hell are you doing here?" She says but not in a nice way she's more disgusted than anything else

"I work here" I say bluntly, I thought it was kinda of obvious what with me in full uniform etc

She scoffs in reply and doesn't say anything so I decide to move on the the more important matter her mangled hand.

"Can I see your hand, it looks pretty bad"


What the fuck, she literally came in looking for medical treatment now that she's got it she's refusing.

"What do you mean no" I reply noticing that the roller doors in the barn are opening, Engine must be back.

"I mean I'm not letting you anywhere near me, not after what you did to me at school"

It's my turn to scoff I only punched her a couple of times she's the one that bullied me for 4 years.

I ignore what's she said and try to carry on professionally

"Please Poppy I am more than qualified to look at your hand and there could be serious damage"

"I said no, your not laying a hand on me ,not after you nearly broke my nose"

I'm so done with her now, all professional courtesy was about to go out the window

"Come off it, I didn't nearly break your nose all i did was......" I'm cut off before I can carry on any more

"What is going on here!" Both our heads tern to where the voice is coming from, Captain Bishop was there and I think she had been for some time given that we were arguing right outside her office.

Then there's voices the other side of us and the engine team come back in.

"I refuse to be treated by this woman she bullied me in high school for 4 years" Poppy says accusingly, there was me thinking she had changed

The audacity of this person,

She knows I struggle to cope with her now she's asking for another punch,

I let out a shaky breath before tuning on my heel and walked back up the stairs not saying anything, removing my self from the situation was the best thing to do.

I'm not a horrible person so Yell at T.K to go and treat a walk in before storming out onto the roof patio to try and clear my head.

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