Chapter 75 - He's only gone and done it

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Everything was ready, I had got all the photos and memories I needed and put together what I thought was a really cute memory book.

I was planing on giving it to him tonight as we were alone in my house as mum and dad were on shift.

I had spend most of the morning at 51 driving the squad rig and I did pretty well if I do say so myself.

But I had come home this afternoon cleaned my bedroom form top to bottom as it had become quite messy recently, and then started on dinner it wasn't anything fancy but it was one of our favourites. Spaghetti bolognaise with cheesy Foccacia bread on the side.

A knock on the door drew my attention away from plating dinner for a second, smiling to my self

"I don't know why you knock when you have a key" I say to him opening the door.

"Its nice to see you too Jessica" he replies sarcasticly

I roll my eyes and go back to plating dinner.

Liam's Pov

As Jess goes back to plating dinner I notice a rather large wrapped object on the kitchen table.

"Jess what's that?" I ask her pointing at it

"Oh that's for you, you can open it if you want" she replies casually

"Oh ok" I reply confused 

I begin opening the preasent, tears begin to my eyes as soon as i realise what it is.

The whole thing is filled with pictures of me and my dad and there's even some of a really tiny me with my mum.

"I know how much you miss him so I wanted to do something that helped you smile" she says quietly

Then I remember what is in my bag.

You know what Fuck it, I was going to plan something nice by why wait when you love someone this much.

Jess' Pov

He literally sprints across the room to his bag and begins rummaging in it

"Liam what are you doing?" I ask him really confused

Whatever he's looking for he's now found and Is walking over to me.

That's when I see it its a small velvet box.

I burst into tears as soon as it clickes in my head.

And then he's down on one knee.

"Jessica Leslie Casey, I love you so much, youve done so much for me this last year and for that I couldn't be more thankful and it would be the greatest honour if I could make you my wife.

We're both crying now and I stumble over my words as I reply to him.

I never questioned my reply,not once.

"Yes, Liam Jay Halstead,I will"

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