Chapter 41 - The time has come

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I woke up the next morning with a warm and fuzzy feeling in my chest,I'm also a little sore.

Memories from last night come back to me and I smile fondly as I roll over amd see Liam watching me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I say sitting up to kiss him before slumping back down on the mattress.

"Well you may have been snoring a little for the last hour or so and you kept waking me up so yeah I was watching you sleep" he replies playing with my hair.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him sprawling out on the mattress even more

"Right now" he says kissing me, "amazing"

"Yeah me too" I smile at him

He leans down and gently presses his lips to mine.

My smile widens even more as he kisses me and I being to move my lips in time with his.

But of course our perfect moment could only last for so long and we were interrupted by a loud banging on the door.

"You two Lovebirds might want to get your assses put of bed or at the very least put some clothes on as Matt and Gabby just pulled int to drive" Poppy shouts sounding quite irritated.

Liam and I take one look at each other and burst out Laughing.

"Thats your fault she's cross you realise that" Liam says sitting up.

"Oh my god don't blame me when you were just as loud" I say while laughing.

And we just fall about laughing again.

We get up, shower and get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast.

My parents are in the kitchen drinking there usual morning coffee.

They both look up and smile when they see us.

"Today's the day" mum says giving me a hug

"Today's the day" I reply quietly.

Just then a very grumpy Poppy comes storming down the stairs.

"Next time you two are going to do that please give me some advanced warning so I can sleep with ear plugs"

And pours herself a large mug of coffee  and storms back up the stairs.

Mum looks at me and raises her eyebrows before saying.

"Did you remember what I told you yesterday?"

Oh god, Poppy literally just exposed us.

I hang my head embarrassed and grab my toast before going to hide in my bedroom.

Liams comes in a little after me and asks me "what did your mum tell you yesterday?"

"Oh" I say laughing awkwardly "she said if I was planning on getting laid to use protection"

"Oh god she did not" he says running his hands through his hair

"Yep she did" I say smirking

"And Poppy just outed us" he says falling back on the bed

"She did" I say again

"What are your parents going to think of me, they take in they're daughters orphaned  boyfriend now he's busy fucking her when they are at work"

I burst out laughing he really was mortified that my parents knew we'd had sex.

"Geez chill out baby my parents absolutely adore you it's obvious they like you or they wouldn't have let us share a bed for the last god knows how long."

"Seriously?" He says looking up at me


He just starts laughing again and it doesn't take long for me to start up again as well


Liam and I spent the rest of the morning loading his boxes and suitcases into his car and soon enough it was time for him to leave.

He said goodbye to Poppy briefly in passing he still hadn't 100% forgiven her for everything she had done to me.

He hugged and thanked my parents over and over again.

Both of them told him that he didn't need to thank him.

Then he took me by the hand and led me out to the front porch so we could be alone.

He held me in his arms for a few minutes both of us savouring our last few moments together.

"Promise me you'll call and text every day" I say looking into his eyes which like mine were glassy with tears

"Of course I will, I'm only 10 minutes away if you need anything, anything at all Jess ok"

I nod and hug him again.

"You should probably go before you mum starst wondering where you are" I say breaking the hug."

He scoff slightly

"You trying to kick me out casey"

I laugh at his sarcasm

"Yeah of course I am" ibreply in the same tone

"I love you" he says kissing the top of my head

"I love you too" I reply gently pressing our lips together

After we eventually break our kiss he hugs me one last time before climbing into his car and pulling out of the driveway, waving to me before he drove off.

It really did feel as if my heart had driven off with him.

Like he said he was only 10 minutes away but boy I was going to miss him.

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