Chapter 35 - 2 weeks

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"Woah, your parents must be annoyed If your doing inventory" Kelly says peering in at me from the door of the ambulance.

"Yeah I'd rather do this than clean the entire truck" I tell him "besides I'm alamost done anyway"

"Your dad made the candidate help her after about an hour I don't think she was getting far"

"You know that doesn't surprise me" I reply filling the last cabinet with gauze

I hop down from the rig and shut the doors.

I walk into the common room where I find most of the guys watching a basketball game on TV but Liam Is sat at the table on his own, I can tell somethings on his mind so I go and sit down by him but before I can talk to him mum asks me a question.

"Jess have you finished?"

"Yep you can check it if you like"

"I trust you've done It right but I probably should check" she says and she gets up and walks out to the rig Brett following her

"You ok?" I ask Liam,

He looks around at the team but they're too engrossed in the game to hear what we're saying.

"Well my mum wants me to move in with her" I feel my heart sink I knew this would happen but I loved having Liam live with us

"Oh ok" Is all I reply

"Her apartment is literally just round the corner from your house and your parents said something about a support bubble so we can still see each other when we want" he tells me.

"When?" I ask worried it might be tomorrow

"In 2 weeks" he replies

"What do you want?" I ask him

"I want to get to know her Jess, I really do and she seems like such a lovely person"

"I nod if you think your ready then you should go for it" I tell him taking his hand


"Yes really, and like you said we can set up a support bubble with both households so we can still see each other and if you need some space or something you can come over"

"I'm so glad your ok with this" he says sounding reassured"

"Of course I am, I'm not going to be the one to keep you from your mum"

"I love you Jess, I really do"

"I love you to"

he kisses me gently,

When we got together I never imagined anything like this would happen but Liam and i were stronger than ever and I could seriously see a future with him.

Liam's Pov

I'm going to marry that girl one day Mark my words.

She'd done so much for me and for that I was eternally grateful.

I was a little apprehensive about leaving Jess we'd relied on each other so much the last few weeks and I didn't want to leave her on her own with Poppy.

No I was being silly Jess and I would be fine and we would still see each other all the time

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