Chapter 20 - Better than expected

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hey guys hope your OK I've got loads of chapters pre written so I think I'm going to publish 2 today :)


Come on Jess you have to do it.

I was pacing around in my room worrying about how I was going to tell my parents about Liam.

I'd hardly slept all night, tossing and turning trying to figure out the best way to do it.

It was Monday and it was currently break time in the school day.

Right, I told myself get your ass downstairs and do It.

I walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs to where my parents were in the living room.

They turn and smile at me when I walk in but most of their attention is on the TV

"I've got a boyfriend" I blurt out

Not exactly how I was planning on telling them but I guess it works.

My parents heads turn from the TV and look at me both of them trying to form words.

Dad was the first one to say something.

"Errr OK that's not what I expected"

He looked like he was going to pass out I reckon he'd hoped he have a few more years before he started hearing about boyfriends.

Admittantly I had had a previous boyfriend but that hadn't really got anywhere and as I had told Liam my parents had walked in on us making out in the kitchen.

"Your not mad?" I say still worried they might be

"Mad no," my dad said "just shocked I think"

"Come on matt you seriously didn't hope you'd go the rest of your life not hearing about boyfriends" mum says tring not to laugh

"No of course not but that doesn't mean I was ready for it today" he says running his hand through his hair.

"Just be grateful it's now and not a few years later" I say trying not to laugh

"How do you mean?" Mum says confused

"Well in a few years I'll be a paramedic so just be grateful I won't be banging co-workers at the firehouse like you guys were" I say giving up on trying not to laugh

I don't think I'd ever seen my parents that Lost for words like that before.

"For your information Miss Casey we weren't banging each other at the Firehouse like you suggest" mum says going red

"Well my inside sources tell me otherwise" I reply.

"Severide" Is all she replys shaking her head and trying to hide a smirk.

"Just go do your school work" my dad says waving me away. Obviously not wanting me to find out about my parents sex life.

And if I'm honest I didn't want to know if I was conceived at home or the Firehouse.

I smirk and walk upstairs Ellie of course right behind me ad begin to get ready for my Spanish lesson after break.


Now I'm pretty sure its safe to say that our Spanish teacher had two students she particularly hated, me being one and Liam being the other.

After quite a long meeting with our Spanish teacher and his dad Liam was now allowed back into Spanish lessons but he had moved classes so he was now in mine and brookes class.

I logged in to the meet in a fairly good mood. Telling my parents about him had gone fairly well So that had been good and Liam and I were spending the time waiting for the rest of the class texting back and fourth

J: my parents took the news fairly well more shoked than anything else

L: told my dad before we came to the district today and he was pleased I had finally sorted my life out a bit more.

J: I reckon he sees me as a good influence

L: from what I've heard from your uncle, your anything but a good influence ;)

J:shut up

L: I take pleasure in winding you up Jessica you know that

I did know that of course and he was doing it again knowing I hated being called Jessica.

Liam and I continue to chat until Miss Franks starts to teach.

"So today everyone we will be having our assessment I mentioned at the end of last lesson to see where your at in my suject"

I'd forgotten about the assessment but it wasn't a big deal as I was fluent but the same couldn't be said for Brooke and Liam.

I received the exact same text from both of them just a minute apart.

B: shit, I'd forgotten about the bloody test
Received 11:28

L: shit I forgotten about the bloody test
Received 11:29

"The questions are on screen now you have the rest of the lesson go"

I began to work and was done with in 20 minutes I had learnt this stuff when I was 10 and found it incredibly easy.

I was now Incredibly bored and it's not as if I could just leave the meeting as Miss Franks will accuse me of cheating so I just had to sit there for the remainder of the lesson.

Once the time was up we all emailed her our answers across to her and logged out and headed to our Last lesson before lunch.

If I was perfectly honest I really wasn't looking forward to getting the results back. Even though I should get a very good score I knew miss, would investigate or contact my parents because In her eyes no seventeen year old could possibly be good at Spanish no, not one.

Oh well I didn't care I had everything I needed a best friend, a boyfriend and a family who cared about me and that was all I needed.

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