Chapter 30 - Emergency Placement

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I know you may have been expecting a funeral chapter at somepoint but I just couldn't work out how to write it,I started over quite a few times but just couldn't get it right. Sorry


1 week later.

Liam was in a much better place now, the funeral had been and gone and I'd been by his side all through it as the coffin was waked down the length of the church and as speeches were made.

He'd told me after that the funeral had given him some kind of closure about his dad and he felt able to move on and honor his dad's memory.

I was proud of him for this, it took a lot to move on and not stay hung up over something he couldn't change.


It was Monday afternoon and my period 5 Geography lesson had overran again.

Mr Adams was banging on about global ecosystems. I was mostly paying attention until my bedroom door creeked openand Liam cam in.

He did his lessons in the kitchen while I stayed in my room so we didn't bother each other but he hadn't been to geography today as he'd been out to see his mum.

All attention i was paying on Ecosystems was gone and I  swiveled in my chair and watched him as he flopped down on the bed we now shared and then looked up at me.

My parents had offered Liam the guest room on several occasions but he'd turned them down every time said he felt better when I was there.

"Miss Casey will answer the last question of the day then you can all go"

Oh shit,

I spin back round in my chair and unmute my mic

"Yep sure what is the question."

"I just asked it, but I think you were paying more attention to whatever going on behind you"

Just then I feel the presence of someone being me and look up the see Liam

"Ahh Laim I was told you were unable to join us today" Mr Adams says

"Yeah I was at an appointment but I just got home like 5 minutes ago" Liam says trying to brush it off

"Fair enough, Jess the question was name 1 adaptation of trees in the rainforest" Mr Adams says

"The tress have thick buttress roots which help stabilise the tree but also have a large surface area which increases the rate of gas exchange." I say kinda rushing because I want to talk to Laim.

"And that ladies and Gentlemen is a prefect answer I'll see you all next lesson"

I sign out of the meeting before Mr Adams has finished talking, and no sooner had I Done that Liam pulls my chair towards him and drags me out  onto bed where he is.

He then pulled me closer to him and starts kissing me passionately.

"What was that all about?" I say laughing when we finally break apart.

"I don't know I was just happy to see you" he says kissing me again.

"How'd it go with your mum?" I ask him

"Really good actually she told me she and Voight had sorted out the paperwork to make her my legal guardian or whatever the fuck it's for"

"I'm glad it's going well,I'm not going to lie I was a bit warey as you hadn't seen her since you were two"

"I know me too but she's great"

"Are you going to move in with her?"

This had been bothering me since Liam had first met her the thought of not seeing him every day made me sad.

"Honnestly I don't know" he says "she said I didn't have to if I didn't want to and I'm happy here with you"

"I can't make the decision for you but I'll love you whatever you decide"

"Your perfect you know that" he says kissing me again

"Thank you I do try" I reply jokingly he just rolls his eyes and sits up.

"Did your parents get called into work or something, your mum said they'd be here when I got back?"

"I don't actually know dad came in during maths and said they were going out but he never said where they were  going"

Then we heard the familiar cruch of tyres on gravel as my dad's truck came into the drive.

"Looks like there back?" I say staring the obvious

And we both get up (me nearly tripping over a sleeping Ellie ) to go and see my parents.

We walk into the kitchen just as the fron door opens and my parents come in carring a suitcase each.

"Ahh Laim,Jess come over here and meet out new foster placement" dad says beckoning us over.

A face peers round him to look at us, a face both of us recognise.....

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