Chapter 70 - A false Alarm & A quick hello

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Jess' Pov

I must admit I did really appreciate T.K coming and making sure I was OK, he had my back both out in the field and here at 19 and for that I couldn't be more grateful.

When I heard the bells alerting us to a fire at Soper's academy I did panic a bit, that was where I went to school although I didn't know any students there I knew the teachers and some of those teachers had done so much for me in my senior year I just hoped that they were OK.

I drove our rig right behind the ladder rig sirens blaring telling people to get out of the way.

When we turned into the car park of the school I expected to see absolute carnage but I was wrong.

All there was were the students stood in lines out of our way and Mr Chilton the headteacher looking very cross.

We all got down from our rigs and followed behind Captain Bishop who started to talk to him.

I had to hide a laugh he did look very embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry guys it's a false alarm I think a student set it off on purpose."

"That may he so sir but my team need to do a sweep of the building to make sure there isn't actually a fire" she replied in her authoritive tone.

"Go right ahead" he said waving them in.

And with that Maya began ordering the team instructions of what to do.

Niether T.K or Me were listening we were more interested in a pair of cops who had just arrived on scene. We both jumped when she called our names

"JC, T.K you can hang around for a bit on standby in case we have any victims in there"

"Copy that Captain" I reply walking over to where Liam and Carlos were.

The four of us stood talking for a short while discussing T.K's rivalry with Lt Gibson, apparently they had a disagreement when T.K was a Firefighter and that cost lives both of them blamed each other, although personally I thought that the people would have died anyway given the conditions thy had described to me but I wasn't going to tell them that.

We than heard a voice which caused me and Liam to both smile massively.

"Well I never, Jessica Casey and Liam Halstead actually working"

"Mr Lewis, Hi" Liam said enthusiastically and we both walked over to where he was standing with his new form.

"Its good to see you sir" I said smiling at him

"Good to see you both too" he replied "I'm so pleased both of you are doing well and in your dream jobs too"

"We couldn't have done it without you sir" Liam tells him, it was true he had given us both lots of support and pushed us to be the people we were today.

Just then my radio sprung to life

Main to ambulance 19

T.K answered it what with him being PIC "go ahead main"

Are you free to assist Squad 3 and an implement victim

"Cap is that OK? He asked Maya who would have also heard the call.

She replied instantly

"Copy that Ambo your free to go"

I said a quick goodbye to Mr Lewis and a see you later to Laim before dashing over to the rig to go and help Kelly and Squad 3 with their victim.

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