Chapter 13 - A perfect night

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"Did you get the stuff ?" I as Kelly as soon as I open the door

"Sure did" he replies holding up a bag filled with ingredients. I also asked him to buy a nice wine, what with me being only 17 I had no idea what was any good, not to mention the fact I wasn't even old enough to drink.

I wave at the rest of Squad who were sat in the rig at the end of the driveway just as Ellie comes bounding in from the garden, she must have heard the doorbell.

"Hey fluffball" says Kelly bending down to say hello.

"A little birdy told me that you and Stella moved in together" I say with a grin

He rolls his eyes "I take it that birdy was one of your parents,but yes we did"

He then sees the look on my face

"Stella and I are just friends"

I scoff not believing him at all, it was obvious he had feelings for her everyone could tell. But he wouldn't admit it.

My mum had told me that both Kelly and Stella wanted a roommate to quarrentine with so to them it seemd obvious that they should move in together.

"We best be going Jess don't want anyone to get suspicious"

"Yeah OK, see you next shift"

He walks over to the rig Ellie yapping at his heels, I know she won't run off she won't go anywhere without me or one of my parents she's too emotionally attached.

As the rig pulls away Tony hooks the horn and a wave them off before both Ellie and I return to the house.

"Well then puppy we best get to work" she jumps up and spins in a circle. As if to say yes let's get going

Luckily it was a Saturday so I had no school.

I had spent all morning cleaning the house and now Kelly had dropped of the ingredients off for me to make one of my parents favourite meals.


The table was all set, the candles were lit and the plates were on the table all I needed now were the parents.

I had decided I would leave them to it this evening and let them be on there own so I had already eaten my dinner and now I was patiently waiting for them, looking out of my bedroom window.

Then I noticed my dads truck pulling into the drive way.

I ran out of my room and down the stairs before telling alexa to "play classical music"

Personally I couldn't stand classical music but I imagined that's the sort of thing they would play at a posh restaurant.

I lingered at the bottom of the stairs listening to my parents to conversation as the came in.

"Matt do you know anything about this?"

"No I dont"

I chuckled quietly they were both so confused

"Look there's a note on the table" my dad points out


they had found the note,

I wanted to make sure you had a perfect anniversary,even in the current circumstances.

I love you both so much and I am so grateful fir everything you've done for me.

Jess xxxxx

"We must have done something right to deserve a daughter like Jess" mum says and I can tell by the tone of her voice that she's smiling

"She's such an amazing daughter" dad agrees

I smile to myself and creep back up the stairs to my bedroom and lie down next to Ellie.

I reply to some messages and the massive essay Brooke had sent me (I think she's having a very early mid life crisis)

My mind begins to wander.....

What a perfect relationship my parents had.. Well I knew that they had thier differences in the past but now, now they were so happy and I knew they would grow old together.

What I would give to meet someone who looked at me the way dad looked at mum.

And made my heart skip a beat when he kissed me, made all my dreams come true.

I dozed off running my fingers through Ellies fur and fantasising about my future with the perfect man

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