Chapter 40 - The first time

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Jess' Pov

I could hear Liam call up to me and  I could also kind of hear some kind of conversation between him and Poppy, but i ignored them both.

The next thing i hear is a soft knock at the door and Liams voice much calmer than it was five minutes ago.

"Jess are you in there?"

Silly question of course I was in here

"Jess come on baby please"

He sounds genuinely upset but I'm still hesitant to talk to him

"Jess I'm sorry will you please just let me in"

By the sound of his voice I can tell he's crying now.

I can't bare it any longer so shove the dresser out of the way and open the door.

Liam is stood there staring at the floor, his eyes filled with tears.

"Li are you ok?" I ask him sniffling a bit

He looks up and his eyes meet mine there is a moments pause before he picks me up in his arms and moves us backwards towards the bed.

He lays us down and gazes into my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he begins trying to apologise "I overreacted"

I place my fingers on his lips gently and cut him off.

"I'm sorry too it's not that I don't want you to leave because I do, I really do, I'm just going to miss you so much and I know its silly as your only a couple of blocks away but I love you so much and" he cuts me off with a kiss.

I had no idea how much I needed that kiss until it was over all my worries about him leaving vanished all I cared about in that moment was him.

"Why did you stop for?" I asked smiling at him.

He props himself up slighly and begins to play with my hair

"Oh i dont know i guess i just got a little....." he trails off

I notice he has a look on his eye, a look i've never seen before.

But i think i can tell what hes getting at.

"Your joking right?" I say laughing a little

"Maybe, maybe not." He replies smirking at me.

I return the smirk, there's something about this guy who makes me feel so at ease.

"Ok" i say putting my hand on his stomach.

"You sure, I mean we don't have to if you don't want to."

"Liam I'm sure"

And those were the last words the were said between us all evening...


Hey guys,

Feel free to let your minds wander because I'm not writing anymore in this chapter 😂


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