Chapter 2 - Nice shot

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I spot the basketball hoop almost instantly and feel a huge smile formed on my face. I had been playing Netball for a very long time and was even captain of the school team. I think if I wasn't so desperate to become a paramedic I probably would have considered it as a career choice.

"Hey Jess heads up!" Kelly calls as he lobs a basket ball my way I catch it easily and move to get myself into position to take a shot.

"Yo jess I bet you 20 bucks you can't get it in from the other side of the app floor" Cruz says from the Squad table

"Cruz you can't take money from 16 your olds that's mean" says Capp although it looks like he wants to place a bet as well.

"So you don't think I can do it" I say as sweetly as I can

"Of course you can't" says Capp before being punched in the shoulder by Cruz

"I think its incredibly hard and that I'm about to make $20" he says

"Fair enough" I say moving further away from the hoop "this far away enough for you?" I ask stopping and turning to look at them.

They  ponder for a second before nodding there heads. I smirk they really have no idea.

I take aim,

Bend my knees,

Through the ball


Yes straight into the hoop

I look over at the squad table to see the 3 very shocked faces of Cruz Capp and Tony. "I believe that's $20 bucks to me" I tell them trying not to laugh

"Who just won 20 bucks?" I hear a voice from across the floor and see that 61 had just got back from the call they were on.

"No one" said cruz hurriedly, I think he though that now my mum was here he would not have to give me any money

"I think you two should watch this" said Kelly coming over and handing Brett his phone.

"You videoed it?" I exclaim

"Yeah well I had a feeling something like this would happen so i decided we needed video evidence of what went on" he says patting me on the shoulder.

There was a few minutes of silence while we all watched the video reply of my amazing shot.

"I'm sorry Joe but it looks like you owe Jess $20" Brett says trying not to laugh.

"Just for the record I'm not encouraging you to gamble or bet but you did win that fair and square" mum says trying not to laugh

Looking kind of annoyed with himself Cruz reaches In to his pocket and pulls out a $20 bill and hands it to me.

"Hang on I've just realised something" says mum turning to look at me "shouldn't you be at school?"

I open my mouth to answer but before I do dad walks out of the doors "Gabby we need to talk" he says loudly looking at me.

Mum has no idea what's wrong but follows him anyway and they head back into the Firehouse.

"I told you he wouldn't calm down any time soon" I say grumpily all Joy at winning the money now gone.

"Yeah OK I see you point" says Kelly petting my shoulder "but I'm sure he will calm ..................." he trails off I glance  up at him to notice he now had his full attention on a tall dark haired woman who had just come out of the common room and was now looking for something in one of the truck compartments.

I smirk to myself never in all my time have I seen The great Kelly Severide lost for words especially over a woman. I look over the the other Squad members and they are sniggering at severide as well it seemed like this was an ongoing thing with him.

"Hey Kelly you going to play a mini game of Netball with me or are you too busy wishing that you could have sex with her" I say simply

He looks at me and shakes his head, he was about to answer me when the doors open again and Dad comes through them

"Jess we need to speak with you" he says bluntly.

"If I'm not back in ten minutes come and save me" I say so only Kelly could hear me before throwing the ball in the hoop one last time and walk over to my dad who still had a very cross look on his face.

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