Chapter 55 - A nice surprise

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Bella wouldn't stop going on about my success all through lunch

"97%, 97%, how the hell did you get 97% Jess, that's bloody brilliant.

"Thanks but seriously can you keep it on the down low I don't need everyone knowing."

"Ok but your amazing"

I smiled to myself I had actually made another friend. Not that I'd thought I wouldn't but it was nice to make a friend on the first day.

He excitement continued all the way to our afternoon theory class.

We hadn't been told what it was about but we had been told each training group would have one dedicated teacher who would be able to help us with any queries we had.

I wanted to sit near the back to try and keep my head down after this morning but Bella insisted we sit at the front to get the best view.

The class was supposed to start 10 minutes ago, where was our instructor?

But my question was soon answered when the door bust open and Sylive came into the room.

"Sorry I'm late" she said hurriedly, "your original instructor pulled out last minute and Chief Hatcher aked if I would fill in."


I wasn't expecting to have Sylvie as an instructor. I knew she taught some classes occasionally but a full time instructor she'd never done before.

Oh well at least I didn't have to worry about having a good relationship with my instructor any more.

"Well then now I'm here let's get some work done" she says hastily logging In to the computer.

"She really should be more organised" Bella whispered to me while we were waiting for sylvie to get her stuff sorted out

I think Sylvie heard that because when I glanced up at her she was looking at us. 

"You should be careful" i tell Bella "you don't want to give your instructor the wrong impression of yourself because trust me they will make your life hell"

"Oh yeah good point" Bella replies

Sylvie finally managed to sort herself out and starts talking

"Ok listen up for those of you that don't know my name is Sylvie Brett and I have over 10 years in the CFD so it's safe to say I know what I'm talking about, today I'm going to take you through what items you have available on a rig then tomorrow we'll look at protocols you have to follow. Yes I know some of you may find this stuff boring but you need to know it so pay attention as I'll be testing you at the end of every unit."

The lesson went by quickly the people who had messed about in the morning session soon stopped being dicks when Sylvie had a go at them.

Soon enough it was time to head home and Bella and I headed to the locker room to collect our stuff.

"Brett is actually a really good instructor isn't she"  Bella says lacing up her trainers

"Yeah believe me I know" i tell her

"See you tomorrow" she says walking  out

"Yeah see ya" I replied finishing the laces on my DMs.

All in all it had been a pretty good day, I was actually pleased that Sylvie was my instructor as she knew so much about her job and had a true passion for it. I knew I would learn so much from her.

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