Chapter 49 - In the nick of time

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I was woken by the sun shining in through the window the next morning and I roll over and see the most perfect boy laying beside me snoring slighly.

I had a slight headache but apart from that I wasn't too hung over. Brooke and Diego would Deffinatly be feeling the effects of the alcohol..


Brooke and Diego were still downstairs and my parents would be home in, Crap, 20 minutes.

I sat bolt upright, that was a mistake as my head started spinning.once the dissines had passed I gently shook Liam awake.

"Li wake up!"

He just groaned and rolled over

"Liam I'm serious wake up"

"Come on Jess it's like 7am"

"Yes it is and my parents will be home soon"


"We left Brooke amd Diego drunk making out on the sofa last night not to mention all the empty bottles on the floor"

It was  his turn to realise what was going on.


"Yeah, fuck"

We dressed quickly and headed downstairs to find the living room in a huge mess, Ellie whining because she wanted to go outside and Brooke sleeping peacefully on diegos chest. Niether of them had any clothes on.

We both tried to wake them but yelling wouldn't work they were far to drunk so I filled a glass with freezing cold water and dumped it over the two of them, desperate times call for desperate measures, luckily it worked and the both sat up spluttering.

"What the hell is going on? Brooke said wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"You two better put some clothes on before Matt and Gabby get here in about 20 minutes" Liam said while frantically picking bottles up off the floor.

Both thier faces drained of all colour as the realisation of what had happend hit them.

"Save the awkward conversations for later, just get your asses up" I said getting more and more panicked by the second.

They scrambled for their clothes and then helped us tidy up best we could.

Brooke was relieved when we found a used condom on the floor, at least she hadn't been to reckless.

Once the house was mostly tidy both Brooke and Diego decided it was best the both go home before my parents got home.

Liam and I flopped down on the Sofa after we'd waved them off.

"We did it" I sighed snuggling up to him

"Yep" he replied "I still can't believe they had sex"

"Oh god don't remind me, my cousin and my best friend no, just no"

We both fell about laughing just as the door opened.

"Nice to see you too had fun last night" dad said setting his bag down amd coming into the living room.

"Yeah we did" I say hoping that they would never find out about what happened.

"Where are the others?" Mum questioned looking around.

I open and close my mouth trying to think of an explanation but Liam gets there before I do

"Oh you only missed them by five minutes they decided to get going as they had plans"

"Jeez, making plans after a party, that's brave." Says a voice behind them

"Kelly?" I say now very confused "what are you doing here"

"Am I not allowed to come over and hang with my favourite family?" He says sarcasticly

"Haha very funny" i reply in the same tone "I'm going to bed I've got a headache"

"Ha!" Kelly exclaimes triumphantly "I told you they'd be hungover"

"So you came over to see wether or not I was hungover"


I scoff as Liam and I get up and head upstairs.

We had got away with it but only just. I would deal with whatever was going on with Brooke and Diego later. Right now the best thing for me to do was attempt to sleep off this hangover.

Amd as I snuggled into Liams chest again sleep soon came as I was still so tired

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