Chapter 11 - A long Day

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For some reason today dragged on more than usual art was good I got a decent amount done on my most recent landscape picture

For some reason today dragged on more than usual art was good I got a decent amount done on my most recent landscape picture

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It still needed more work but I had more done than most of the class.

In food tech we were just doing theory work which was always dull

Now I had Spanish, our school makes Spanish compulsory although I don't get why.

I hated Spanish. I mean I loved the language but the lessons were so dull. I was pretty much fluent in Spanish both mum and my Uncle Antonio had made sure I Knew it. As thier parents had done the same for them.

We had got a new teacher at the start of the year and she hated me. Which made the lessons even more shit.

I was only half paying attention doodling in the back of my sketchbook when mum came and sat next to me with a newspaper and cup of coffee.

"Shouldn't you be paying attention?"

"She hates me"

"You should still be paying attention"

"Its Spanish"

"Ok this is the only lesson I give you permission to not pay attention high school Spanish is a bit useless anyway"

I laugh, I was more like my mum than my dad. I looked a lot like her and had also inherited the firey Dawson personality trait and of course I wanted to be a paramedic like her. But my more creative side from my dad he had once shown me his old sketchbook from his Sophomore year and they were actually pretty good.

"Jessica who are you talking to" my teacher shouts. Making me jump. She was so loud that mum could hear her through the earphones.

"Just my mum" I reply

"Ok fine, could you please answer question 9?"

I think she though she was giving me a hard question but I answer it with ease not even hesitating.

By the look on her face I can tell she was expecting me to get it wrong.

I glance at my phone to see Brooke had messaged me

B: 🥳🥳

J: she wanted me to get that wrong I could tell

B: 😌

"Jessica can you please do question 15" I sigh before unmuting my mic but before I open my mouth to speak the bells go off

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambo 61, Engine 51, Battalion 25 structure fire.......

I watch as the usually quiet common room bursts into life chairs are scraped back and you can here boden shouting orders as he heads out to his car. I smile this I what I want to do, go out and save lives.

I'm brought back from my daydream about EMS by my teacher shouting at me

"Jessica casey care to explain what that loud noise was!!!"

"It was the alarms going off, I'm at work with my parents" I say turning my laptop so she can see the now empty common room

"I'm going to be emailing the principal about that we can't be having any disruptions especially when you need all the help you can get in my subject"

"I really don't need any help miss" I say getting a bit pissed now

"You do, you make zero effort in lessons but still come out with top marks so I have to assume that you are copying your friend"

In truth it was the other way round Brooke usually copied me but she didn't need to know that.

I glance at the time this lesson had only just started so I still had 45 minute's left plus biology and maths after that

But I decided that I couldn't be doing with anymore school today and left the meeting.

Maybe I would have been a bit more tolerant of her if she didn't keep picking on me. And she would've defiantly done that even more now thanks to the bells going off.

"Well then" I said to myself "what the hell do I do now"

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