Chapter 69 - Not your fault

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T.K's Pov

I headed downstairs so confused, part of me wanted to go and check on Jess first but I couldn't really leave the walk in patient.

There's a big crowd of people in the Lobby, what is going on?

"Everything ok down here, JC said something about a walk in right before she stormed out onto the patio"

The woman who was obviously the patient is the first on to speak up

"Oh don't worry about her, she just can't handle the truth about who she is"

My confusion level just increased by about 100% Jess doesn't seem like the person to not be able to handle herself.

"All of you back to your normal duties, leave casey alone for now, Strand you treat this young lady then feel free to check on her" Captain Bishop says looking at all of us.

There's several mumbles of "Yes captian" and "Copy that" as the engine company head upstairs.

I walk over to the woman and begin to examine her hand as well as dress it.

I'm not really listening to her as she chats shit, my mind is more worried about my partner but I think I got the gist of what she was saying.

"She bullied me all through high-school"

"Can't belive she didn't tell you"

"How do bullies get jobs like this"

If I'm being perfectly honnest I feel like the whole thing is the other way round and she was bullying Jess, I may have only known her a few weeks but I couldn't imagine Jess being a bully.

I soon sent Poppy on her way and headed to find Jess.

She was still out on the patio staring out at the city, I could tell she had been crying.

She turned when she heard me but didn't say anything until I was standing next to her.

"Let me guess your here to ask why I was a bully in high-school and why I did stuff to her." She says

Damn thus Poppy girl must have really gotten under her skin

"Jess I'm not stupid, I could tell she was lying about you bullying her and if I'm honest I'm pretty sure it was the other way round" I say putting a reassuring arm around her shoulders.

"How did you know?" Is all she sniffs

"I know a bully when I see one I was also bullied in high-school" I tell her.

"It sucks doesn't it" she says with a pathetic chuckle.

"Just a bit" I reply also chuckling

"And the whole ironic thing was is that she teased me and said I should be in foster care because my parents were going to die in a fire, then she was the one who for whatever reason ended up in forster care with my parents"

OK thats as kind of funny not gonna lie

"Don't let her get to you JC" I tell her "your a freaking badass"

"I am aren't I" she replies smiling

Then the alarms go off

Ambulance, truck, engine 19 school fire sopers academy.

"Let's go kick ass!" I say to Jess as we run over to the door.

All pain has vanished from her face but I'm not overly convinced it's gone. I might have to make a phone call or two when we get back.

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