Chapter 62 - Graduation again

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Jess' Pov

6 weeks later

I was sat waiting patiently for my name to be called up to receive my badge

I had done it.

I was about to graduate from the academy and avhieve my dream.

Not to mention I was top of the class setting a new high score record (97%)

Everyone was here mum, dad the rest of 51, Antonio, Brooke, Liam and Diego who had graduated from the police academy just 2 days ago.

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed all the  peowere cared about were here today to celebrate my greatest achievement yet.

I got more and more restless as name after name was called, I was due to go last as the top of the class which in a way stressed me out even more as if I messed up everyone would know.

Eventually I heard Chief Hatcher call my name and headed up to the stage. I could hear all of 51 shouting at the top of there lungs and I felt rather embarrassed but also thankful that they had all helped me to achieve this.

I shook hands with several chiefs who I didn't actually know. And then received an envelope from chief Hatcher which contained details of my assignment. He then stepped up to the microphone to speak.

This confused me as I was expecting him to pin my badge for me like he did for everyone else but once he started speaking everything made a bit more sense

"Thank you all for coming today and for our final badge pining of the day I have had a request from a couple of people who would like to do it as well as say a few words so will you all join me in welcoming Paramedic Gabriela Dawson  and Lieutenant Kelly Severide to the stage"

Hang on.....

Mum coming up made sense but why was Kelly coming up as well...

Mum stepped up to speak while Kelly received my badge from chief Hatcher

"First off all I would like to thank chief hatcher for granting our request especially as me and him don't always see eye to eye"

This gained a small laugh from the crowd. It was true Mum and our chief had had several disagreements in the past

"And she'll kill me for saying this but I e always dreamed of the day I get to pin the badge on my daughter as she start her Paramedic career, and when Lieutenant Severide came to me with a suggestion I couldn't quite believe just how brilliant it was"

This eared another laugh as Kelly didn't often have good ideas

"Its coming up to 20 years ago that Lieutenant Severide and I lost one of our best friends in an explosion. many of you here won't have even heard the name Leslie Shay before but for those of us at Firehouse 51 at the time this was the hardest loss we had ever suffered she was a friend to all of us and would always light up the room she was in and it brings me so much joy to pass on her legacy to someone else who reminds me of her I more ways than one.

So Lieutenant Severide would you please do the honours..."

Kelly nods in acknowledgement and then turns to me and begins talking quietly so noone else can hear.

"This was her badge I've kept it since she died and I  know that I'm making the right decision in passing it on to you go out there and make her and us proud JC I know you can"

I smile at him as he at long last pins the badge to my uniform and he steps back and we salute at each other

The crowd erupts into applause as I hug both Kelly and mum before going back to my seat discreetly wiping a stray tear from my eye.

Jess' house

"Go on then you might as well open it" Diego says as all four of us are sat on my bed staring at the envelope containing the Firehouse I was going to be stationed at.

"I know but part of me still hopes it's going to say 51 on it" I tell them leaning on Liam.

I knew it wouldn't say 51 as both my parents worked there and it just wouldn't be practical for me to be there.

61 was getting a candidate though mum and Brett were to be joined by someone by the name of Eddie Diaz. He and I had butted heads a few times at the academy and I wasn't overly keen on him mixing with my family but oh well theese things can't be helped

"If you won't open it I will!" Brooke says getting impatient

"Like hell you will" is say yanking it out of her hands

"Exaclty so just do it then" Diego says

"Fine" I reply Rolling my eyes

I open the envelope glance briefly over all the formal stuff before my eyes find what they're looking for.

"Station 19" I tell then looking up

"Thats the closest one to the 25th district" Liam says smiling, he and Diego were both starting there next week"

I nod but I'm not really listening to him

My life as a paramedic is about to begin......

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