Chapter 71 - Phone a Friend

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T.K's Pov

Initially I had thought Jess was OK after the walk in patient this morning and that it had slipped her mind as we had had 3 back to back calls but I instantly knew I was wrong when we finally made it back to the fire house.

She got out the rig with out a word to me or anyone else and wandered off (I'm assuming back up to the patio)

This girl must have really gotten under her skin.

That was when a plan began to form in my mind, I pulled out my phone and dialed Carlos' number although it was not him I wanted to talk to.

He picked up after a couple of rings.

"Hey babe you OK?"

"Yeah I'm good can you put your partner on please"

"T.K what the hell.."

"I'll explain later but I just need to talk to him"

"Ok fine"

There was silence for a moment while Carlos passed the phone over to Liam.


"Liam it's T.K, I need to talk to you about Jess"

"Is she OK?"

"Physically yes, but she's all shut down and blocking everyone out"

"She seemed OK at the call earlier"

"I know, thats because she was working and busy but since we've got back she's isolated herself."

"Do you know what happed?"

"Yeah, we had a walk in patient this morning, I think her name was poppy and"

"Did she have strawberry blonde hair blue eyes and act like a total bitch towards her"

"Yeah she did she went on about how mean Jess was to her, though Jess told me she was the actual bully"

"She was horrid to Jess, I only experienced it a for the second half of senior year but Jess and her best friend Brooke said it had been going on for years."

"Do you know how I can make her herself again"

"Ummm, oh yeah you need to go amd dance it out"


"Yeah it's this thing she does with her mum and mum's best friends, pick a song dance and forget your troubles"

"Ok thanks I guess I'll give that a go, if it doesn't work you might need to come over"

"Will do, see you later"


I hang up the phone, I wasn't entirely sure about the whole dance it out thing but it was worth a try......

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