Chapter 15 - Why....just why?

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New day same shit,

I'm pretty sure that's how to describe life in lockdown, nothing was going on everything was cancelled and I think if it wasn't for regular trips to the firehouse I would be bored out of my mind

Geography was incredibly dull at the moment. We were learning about the Demographic transition model and different levels of development.

Out teacher was great though and always tried to make the lesson more entertaining.

"Jess could you explain stage 2 of the DTM for me please." He asks me

"Of course" I reply "in stage two of the DTM the death rate begins to fall as there have been advances in health care however people are still having lots of children so the birth rate remains high and"

Mr Adams interrupts me

"Sorry Jess but Mr Halstead you appear to have an audience.

I look to liam and sure enough there is a small crowd of people standing behind him.

Liam was obviously unaware of this as a look of horror and embarrassment came over his face when he looked over his shoulder.

He hastily unmutes his mic and begins apologising.

"Oh sorry sir they are leaving now, they have work to do" he says trying to shove one of them away.

"Hey Antonio she looks like a female version of you" jokes one of them

I know he's referring to me If you thought I looked like my mum, I looked even more like my uncle.

"Why don't you ask her her surname?" Antonio says smirking

"Well then kid what is your surname?" He asks me

"Well if I'm honest I don't think it takes a genius to work that out" I say winding him up.

Just then mum walks into my room to check if I need anything.

"Hey mum come here a sec" I ask turning the camera so they can see her also selecting Liams camera so we could see it better.

It takes a second for him to realise.

"Antonio isn't that your sister?"

Antonio just rolls his eyes.

"Ruzek stop asking silly questions" mum says smiling

"Shut up Dawson" Ruzek says trying not to laugh

"Which Dawson are you referring to" some other cop from Intelligence jokes resulting in a gentle punch from Ruzek.

Just then Mr Adams speaks up
"As entertaining as this is we probably sound get back to work"

"Yeah thats a good idea, mum says begining to walk out the door."

"Yeah guys haven't you got a criminal to catch or something" says Liam giving Antoinio a shove

"Bye then" says Ruzek before walking off the others following suite

"Sorry about that" says Liam trying to hide his embarrassment.

"No worries Halstead now let's get back to work, turn to page 394....."

Liam was very quiet for the rest of the lesson, unusually quiet, so once it had ended I picked up my phone, deciding to message him for the first time since he had added me on snapchat.

We had started doing streaks but hadn't had a proper conversation.

J: trust me I know what it's like to be interrupted by your parents co workers

L: haha yeah Intelligence is great and all but they can be annoying.

J: at least there's less people It wouldn't be a normal day at 51 if everyone didn't make an appearance at least once

L: 😂 that's the first time they've interrupted like that and let's just say my dad wasn't happy

J: yeah one thing Severide said to me it that your mum is not someone to be messed with.

L: Yeah....well......I've never met her


L: or not that I remember she left my dad and moved to New York not long after I was born

J: I. Sorry I didn't know

Shit what had I done

L: it's fine I don't care

J:I've got to go walk my dog

L: oh OK your not avoiding me are you?

J: no of course

L: k

Of course I was avoiding him, I can't believe it I had just assumed his parents were together.

After what kelly said, about his mum being a total badass cop I thought.....


He said it didn't matter, but it mattered to me, I knew I was being silly and it was a mistake anyone could make but I just couldn't believe......

I'll let I slide, but not message him again I told myself. the last thing I needed was to get mixed up in relationship drama when I was busy keeping my grades up so I would get into the paramedic academy in September.

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