Chapter 63 - Welcome to 19

1K 19 4

For those of you who don't know the picture above is where Jess is stationed but obviously it's in Chicago not seattle.

And the crew of 19 will be made up of characters from station 19, 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone star all rights to those characters belong to ABC and Fox :)

Carlos Reyes and Athena Grant may also pop up at some point so again all rights on those characters go to Fox

1 week later

I looked around and took in the surroundings of my new work place I was curently on the ground floor in the main entrance.

A voice to my right brought me back to my senses

"You must be our new paramedic, I'm Captain Bishop come into my Office and we can talk"

"Ok thanks" I reply And followed her into her office.

She was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and I immediately Toll note that she wasn't someone to be messed with.

I also noticed another person was already in the office looking at me

"This is T.K Strand and he will be your partner, I know rookies normally are assigned to a team of three but we were short a medic anyway and your academy results were so good Chief Hatcher decided just to put you in the open slot."

"Uhh ok" I say not really sure how to respond to this

"Right I guess I'll introduce you to the team and show you round then" T.K  says getting up.

He was also fairly tall and had dark hair and eyes he seemed nice enough I was glad I had a decent partner and had not ended up with some idiot who didn't know what they were doing.

I followed him as he showed me the rigs 19 had different ones to 51 they had a ladder and and engine whereas 51 had truck, Squad and engine and of course Ambo.

He also showed me the bathrooms, locker area bunk rooms and equipment room before we eventually made it upstairs to the kitchen (which for some reason they called it the beanary) and lounge area.

"Hey guys this is our new paramedic Jessica Casey but you can call her JC" T.K says to rest of the group

JC? OK I wasn't expecting a nickname but I was already known by  this one occasionally so I wasn't to bothered about it.

"Wait Casey?" A dark haired Latina says "as in Captain Matt Casey?"

"Yep" I reply smiling a little

"Cool, I've met your dad a few times he's a  damn good Firefighter. I'm Lieutenant Herrera by the way"

"Nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand

I then go round and get introduced to the rest of the team, there was.

Lieutenant Andy Herrera, she seemed nice and well respected by the rest of the team

Lieutenant Andy Herrera, she seemed nice and well respected by the rest of the team

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