Chapter 4 - I'm sorry

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After we finished our very enjoyable game of Netball.

We all headed into the common room still discussing the game

"I'm sure I saw Capp walk with the ball" says Cruz crossly

"I did not" counters Capp

"Even if Capp did walk with the Ball you still would have lost" I say with a Cocky grin

" Ok fair point but Capp still fouled like 20 times" Cruz says arguing back

And they continue this argument for a good 20 minutes much to everyone else's amusement.

I also got a chance to talk to the two people who were arguing over the Flax seeds there names were Blake Gallo and Darren Ritter candidates on Truck and Engine. They were really nice people and had great senses of humour.


I spent the night at 51 before heading home with my parents the next morning once shift ended seeing as I was suspended form school for the next week.

I went straight to my bedroom, my dad had hardly said two words to me since our fight the previous day and if he wanst going to make the effort to talk to me and hear me out i wasnt prepared to talk to him.

I walk over to my desk and grab my sketchbook and settled down on my bed listening to some music and resuming my most recent sketch of an owl, it was still only half finished but I was quite pleased with it

I walk over to my desk and grab my sketchbook and settled down on my bed listening to some music and resuming my most recent sketch of an owl, it was still only half finished but I was quite pleased with it

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I was so lost in my drawing and my favourite song (Walking the wire by Imagine dragons) that I didn't notice that my dad had come in until he turned my CD player off.

"Oi I was listening to that" I say grumpily

"We need to talk" he says sitting downnon the edge of my bed

"About what" I say bluntly

"What happend yesterday" he answers

"There's nothing to talk about, I punched that bitch Poppy for no reason whatsoever and now I'm suspended" I say not in the mood for a lecture.

"I spoke to Severide"

Now that got my attention

"What did he tell you?" I say setting my pencil down

"Everything" he said

"Even the bit about what she said to me" I ask tears starting to form in my eyes.

I wasn't a violent person but what Poppy had said to me had stung

"Even that" he said placing a hand on my leg.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Jess, I had a bad day yesterday, a couple of tough shouts and then when the school rang I just lost it" he says apologeticly

That's what I needed to hear, I was very close with both my parents and we very rarely argued. So when we did it always affected us more than it probably should

"I get it, Firefighting isn't all sunshine and roses like some people make out" I reply.

He opens his arms and I move into them and wrap my arms around him. I was so glad we were on good terms again.

"Dinners ready" my mum calls from the kitchen.

"Mmm food" I say pulling apart from him

He looks at me with a smile before We both get up off my bed and head out to dinner.

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