Chapter 53 Todays the day.

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Hey guys,
I know there is a bit of a time jump here but I wanted to keep moving the story forward

Iz xx

1 week later

My alarm went off bright and early on the morning of my first day at the academy. I rolled out of bed and sleep walked over to the shower and turned it on.

As I showered more and more questions filled my head what will it be like? Will I make any friends? Will people know who I am because of my parents?

Some of these questions were putting on edge. I was hoping no one would recognise my surname as I didn't want all the pressure of living up to my mums academy results. She had refused to tell me as she didn't want me to get stressed about proving myself. And if I'm honnest she had a point.

Once I was out the shower I put my hair in two French plaits and got dressed in to a casual outfit (mum had told me we would be given uniform when we got there)

I headed downstairs and saw mum and Nancy making small talk.

Now although none of us were overly thrilled with the plan regarding my grandmother between the three of us We had offered her a compromise that she stay for the maximum of one month and one month only before we kicked her out. Even though mum and I secretly both though dad would let her stay longer if she wanted but we would make sure he stuck to what he originally said.

"Morning Jess" mum said handing me a  plate of toast and Jam.

"Morning" I reply "what are you doing up so early?"

"Oh come on you think I was going to let you leave without wishing you luck?"

"Errrr" I'm never really sure on how to respond to statements like this.

"Of course not, my little girl is going to be a paramedic" she replies excitedly.

"Jeez mum anyone would think your more excited than me for this" I laugh

"I think she's just proud of you Jessica Sweetheart and you should show your mother how excellent she is and come home with the top marks" my Grandmother says barging in on the conversation.

I look at mum and she looks at me and we both roll our eyes. While we tolerate her and try out best to be kind and accepting niether of us have much respect or liking for this woman. Even though dad was constantly reminding us that she did what she did a long time ago.

I say God bye to both of them amd walk out to my car.

This is it today I start my career in the CFD.....

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