Chapter 8 - What happens next

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1 month later

Brooke and I were in afternoon registration talking about her new celebrity crush.

I was still limping around with my knee in a brace, my injury had been worse than doctors had originally though but they did say it should heel without the need for any surgery which was a good thing.

Just then the vice principal walked in carrying a stack of letters

"Can I have your attention everyone" she called over the usual din of our tutor group

She then proceeded to hand the stack of letter to our form tutor to hand out

"Now I'm sure you are all aware of the Caronavirus which is spreading around the world, and with guidance from the government we have made the decision to close the school and move all learing online until further notice"

People immediately started talking to there friends in loud whispers. From what I could tell they were pleased about school shutting down.

I didn't know what to think, the pandemic was becoming more and more real, I had already had to stop visiting the Firehouse, mum and Brett had to wear PPE on any shout they went on and now school was closing down.

"Your parents will have received an email with the same information on as the letter and we will be letting you know put plans for virtual learning over  the next few days for them to start on Monday" the Vice principal continued

"So when the registration is over you may all begin to make your way home"

And then she was gone

Conversation immediately resumed and people were bombarding Mr Lewis with questions.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this" I say turning to Brooke

"Me either" she agrees

Then I remember something, my parents are at work amd they won't get chance to check they're emails

I get up from my seat and go over to Mr Lewis' desk

"Sir my parents are at work do you think I could call them and let them know what's going on?" I say hoping other people wouldn't overhear me

All my teachers were aware of what it was my parents did for work and that I was home alone 3 days a week.

"Sure Jess just go in the hall and do it"

I nod and walk put the door into the hallway

Mum pickes up after a couple of rings.

"Hey Jess is everything ok"

"Schools closing due to Covid"

"Oh er OK, I wasn't expecting that quite yet"

"I know me either"

"We'll be home tomorrow and we can try and work out how we're going to do things"

"Surely it will just be the same as normal, I'll be on my own"

"I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone all day, at the moment there's school and you can go and hang out with your friends at the weekend, it will be quite lonley for you"

"Ok yeah I see your point"

"Talk later"

"Love you"

"Love you too Jess,bye"

"Bye mum"

And we both hung up.

I knew she was right I wasn't really keen on being by myself and it would be just me and Ellie, no friend and no Netball. What was I going to do.

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