Chapter 27 - Whats Up?

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Liam and I hardly said a word to each other as we got ready the next morning.

You could tell that we were both worried about school. I knew it would difficult. people (especially Poppy and her gang) would have questions about why we weren't in lessons. And then he was going to meet his mum afterwards  who knows how that would end.

My parents dropped us at school on the way to the Firehouse. Brooke and Diego were waiting for us outside both lacking the light in their eyes.

We headed to form where most of the class was already there - we weren't late but everyone else was always early

Mr Lewis greeted us  in his usual cheery voice.

"Morning you four, Jess,Liam it's good to see you in lessons today"

He could tell something was up by the lack of response as we took are seats and the fact that both Laim and me had bags under our eyes from lack of sleep.

"Jess, Liam is everything OK with you two today"

Brooke took one look at the us before deciding to answer for us

"They're fine sir don't worry about it" she says trying to sound convincing.

I give her a look of thanks as Mr Lewis  began taking the register.

After that he tells us our timetable for today

Double lifeskills

There was no Spanish today as Miss Franks had to self isolate which I was grateful for, I know that was mean but I really couldn't be doing with any drama today I just had to keep my head down and push through today as well as make sure the man I loved was ok.

Biology was ok we learned about the Cardiovascular system which I would find useful (kinda) in my paramedic studies.

I'm maths I just sat there with Liams head on my shoulder it was normally around this time of day he needed support most, mid morning, I don't know why as the time didn't match up with anything that had happened but I had been like that theese past few days.

If Mr Lewis didn't suspect something was up he definitely did now.

The way both of us just sat there staring into space not doing any work.

I could hear people whispering behind us about why he had his head on my shoulder but quite frankly the could just piss off so what if they knew.

Mr Lewis eventually cornered us at lunch time.

"Its obvious that you too aren't ok so don't bother telling me you are" he says as we sit down at a picnic table on the field

"Yeah sir, I don't think were OK either" I tell him "but I don't feel it's my place to tell you" I look at Liam who has perked up a bit from earlier but is still nothing like his usual self

"If I tell you you can't tell anyone" he says not looking at Mr Lewis.

"He won't tell anyone" I say before Mr Lewis has a chance to respond "he's kept all my secrets and I know I can go to him with anything.

Liam looks at me and nods before turning to face Mr Lewis.

"So I take it you know Jess' parents are looking after me at the moment"

"I do" Mr Lewis Replys

"Well that's because my dad died last week,he was shot while at work"

Mr Lewis looks shocked and sad at the same if that's possible.

"Laim I am so sorry I can't believe...." Laim cuts him off I can tell hes sick of all the sympathy.

"Thanks for you concern sir but I'd just like to try and move on if that's at all possible"

"Of course I'll sort you out and out of lesson card like Jess has so if you need to leave class for any reason just show it and you can leave and I'm here for you if you need anything at all just ask"

Liam looks taken aback by how caring Mr Lewis actually is it's not very often you get teachers like that or at least in my experience.

We spend the rest of lunch sorting out stuff with Mr Lewis and he gives his opinion on Laim meeting his mum.

And by the time we both head back in from Lunch we're both in slightly better moods.

"Thank you for making me trust him" Laim says taking my hand in has as we walk with the rest of the form back to the classroom.

I smile at him, "I've learnt its best to have a teacher on your side and he is genuinely a really nice person" I tell him.

"Yeah I've never had that before, teachers are always so quick to judge me as I can be a bit rowdy sometimes"

I smile more as he puts an arm round my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Sir they're not social distancing" comes a shout form behind us

We both turn to see where the shout came from amd sure enough it was Poppy.

"Will you stop trying to get me in to trouble" I sigh trying not to pick a fight for once.

"And not that it's any of your bussiness but we actually live together so we're in a bubble" Liam says before she can reply to me.

Poppy looks from me to Liam to me again and then to Mr Lewis.

"As Mr Halstead said they are currently living together so they do not have to social distance" Mr Lewis confirms as Brooke Let's out a snigger from my other side.

Poppy just looks embarrassed and goes quiet for a second before coming up with her reply.

"Why the hell are you two living together I thought you were an only child Casey"

"Will you keep you big nose out of other people's business for once in you Life" Brooke says crossly.

"Well said" I mutter so Mr Lewis can't hear.

"Poppy please stop trying to get Jess into trouble and Mind your own business" Mr Lewis says sternly.

She shuts up after that.

We reach out classroom and take our seats for our final lesson of the day. Our final lesson before Liam would meet his mum

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