Chapter 67 - A coincidence

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The next shift

"T.K where are we going?" I moaned from the passenger seat of our rig

He had told me we were going on a drive 2 hours in to out 24 hour shift without much more explanation

"Seriously stop complaining your starting to annoy me now" he replies not looking at me

"But if you just told me where we're going I wouldn't have to complain" I reply

He doesn't say anything but I can tell he's tring not to laugh

"Come on T.K pleaseeeee" I say taking the mick a bit more

He's Deffinatly laughing now

"it's fun winding you up"

I roll my eyes and turn away from him pretending to sulk.

It turns out that I wasn't the youngest at 19 by much as T.K was only 24 and Buck and Being 25

And the three us did like to wind each other up a lot like siblings and if couse me being the youngest ment that I got wound up the most not that I minded as it was nice to experience what it was like having siblings as the closest thing I'd had was Diego and his older sister Eva but we were all very well behaved children and didn't bicker too much when we were little.

After another 5 minutes or so he eventually gave in and told me.

"We're going to meet up with my Boyfriend briefly as I grabbed the wrong phone when I left this morning, he offered to drop it by the station 19 but I told him we'd come and meet him and his partner on his patrol route, he's a cop by the way"

"What will his partner say about this?" I enquire

"Well JC you see he also has a rookie partner meaning that he like you has no say in the matter" he says smugly

"I don't actually care that much, I was a bit bored of hearing how buck caught that baby over and over anyway."

"He's still telling that story, that was like 6 months ago" T.K tells me as he pulls the Ambo into a parking space outside a park

We both get out and I follow him through the park to where we're meeting his Boyfriend.

"Hang on!" I explaim "I just realised that me and whoever your boyfriends partner is are just going to be like a third wheel"

T.K laughs

"Well you never know you could hit it off with his partner"

"You do realise that I've got a boyf...... oh my god no way" I've just noticed something

"T.k?" I say nudging him


"Is that your boyfriend over there by any chance?" I ask pointing to where two cops are stood

"Yeah why?" He replies looking at me

"You see his partner next to him?"


"Thats my boyfriend"

T.k stops in his tracks and looks at me like I'm fibbing

"Seriously?" He says

"Seriously" I reply

I think Liam and T.Ks boyfriend had just had the same realisation as us as they're laughing while looking just as shoked as us.

We eventually reach them and T.K introduces me To Carlos and I introduce him to Liam.

It's a bit of a shame that we can't show any PDA what with us being on shift and out in public it would look unprofessional but none of us seem to mind and we spend a rather enjoyable 20 minutes chatting to one another before T.K and I get called to a woman in labour so have to leave.

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