Chapter 51 - Not sure what to say

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I have no idea what I'm supposed to say to this woman, I hardly know her.

"I just need to make a phone call" I say to her before slamming the door in her face.

I needed to talk to my dad heel know what to do.

"Hey Jess, you ok?" He says once he answers

"Dad where are you?" I ask him huridly

"Errr on our way back to 51 after a shout but we're only round the corner form home if you need me to stop in"

"Yes please stop in, your mum is here and I have no idea what to say or do"

There is a short silence that follows. I don't think that waht he was expecting.

"I'll be five minutes" he says before haninging up

Thank god I really have no idea what to do

I peer out the kitchen window to see her now examining the front of the house. Why she's doing this I have no idea but you do you I suppose.

This was a woman who had been dipping in and out of my life for as long as I could remember. The last time. i had seen her I had been 10  And from what I could remember she hadn't left on great terms so I had no idea what my dad's reaction was going to be.

But I didn't have to wait any longer as the all too familiar truck 81 pulled up outside. Dad jumped down before the rig had even stopped moving and strode up the drive wait a pissed off look on his face.

I opened the door again as I didn't really want to miss and details.

"What the hell are you doing here" dad says aggressively

"Matthew darling, it's lovely to see you" Nancy says as if there was nothing going on.

"Don't give me that shit get off my driveway and leave my daughter alone"

"Please dear don't be like this"

"Be like what"

"You can't kick me out before you even know the whole story" she's practically begging to say now and I roll my eyes
She's not getting off easy.

"Let me guess you didn't pay your bills and got evicted" dad says rolling his eyes

"No actually, my boyfriend kicked me out after he found out I used to be in jail" she says "so can I please stay here while I get back on my feet?

Dad's face became a bit more sympathetic. No, please no don't give in please. I silently beg my dad.

"Well I really need to talk to Gabby and I'm on shift right now so can't do much, you can stay here tonight and we'll sort the rest put in the morning"

I feel my heart drop I really don't want to stay here with a woman I hardly know.

"Jess is that OK with you?" Dad asks obviously seeing my face.

"Well I don't really like it but you can't just turn her away can you?" I say

"Your a star" he replies and runs up and kisses me before walking back to the rig .

I wave at Stella and Gallo before just as suddenly as  they arrived they were gone.

"Well I better show you your room" i say to my grandmother before walking back into the house.

"Yes that would be lovely sweetheart" she replies picking up her case and following me in.

Ew I hated pet names like sweetheart and pumpkin. (Unless called them by my parents or Liam)

I walked up the stairs not saying a word and walked down the hall to the guest room.

"This is your room towels are in the bathroom at the end of the hall"

Amd I walked into my own room and shut the door before she could reply.

I flopped down onto my bed what was I supposed to do with a grandmother I barely knew. I wasn't in the mood for sitting around telling her about the last 7 years of my life it was her own fault she'd missed out on them.

Then I had one of those light bulb moments you see on TV some people might call it an epiphany I guess.

I didn't have to stay here with her, there was somewhere I could go.

I sat up and dialed his number.

"Hey you, I was staring to think you'd forgotten about me. Not had a single message from you all day" he says laughing.

"I know I'm sorry it's been a bit of an odd day but I can make up for it, you ok  if Ellie and me come over tonight?"

"Yeah I'd love that, is everything OK?"

"Fine I'll explain when I get there be round in half an hour or so"

"Ok love you"

"Love you too"

And we hang up

I packed a bag with things I might need as well as a few things that could stay at his place, he had a left some of his clothes in a drawer for when he comes over in the future but I'd taken to wearing them when I missed him or when I had run put od clean laundry.

I the went downstairs to get some food for Ellie.

My grandmother was Stood in the kitchen rumaging in cupboards when I walked in.

"Hello there Jessica what do you say we watch a movie and spend some time together its been a while hasn't it" she said smiling.

Part of me felt a bit guilty for walking  out on her she really was trying but I just didn't want to be alone with her right now.

"No I'm going out" I reply bluntly

"Oh where are you going" she replies looking a bit disappointed.

"None of your business" I reply shoving  Ellies bowel and food into the top of my bag

"When will you be back?"

"No idea, sometime tomorrow"

"Ok then"


And I grab my keys and walk out the house.

When I sat down in my car I let out a breath I dodnt realise I was holding in for some reason she had really put me on edge.

I shook it off and pulled out of the drive switching on the radio as I did so and of course they were playing one of my favourite songs.

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