Chapter 3 - Just hear me out.

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I followed my dad down the hallway and into the briefing room where mum was stood waiting and she did not look happy.

"I think its best we talk about what happend at school today" dad  said firmly.

"Just hear me out dad I had a reason for staring a fight with her because she was saying that........" I began but he cut me off

"It's always the other person's fault and you had a reason, I'm not stupid Jess, you punched another pupil there is nothing that you can say that's going to change that" he says angrily.

I feel my blood begin to boil I can't believe I'm hearing this.

"So much for you can tell me anything" I say crossly "how am I ment to talk to you about stuff that has happend if you won't hear me out"

"There's nothing to talk about" he snapped at me "you can't go around getting into fights Jess you just can't "

I can't take any more, I'm normally a pretty tolerant person but right now I just can't take any more of this, so I stand up and storm out making sure to slam the door behind me. I hear both mum and dad call me back but I ignore them and head straight out of the Firehouse and back over to where Squad are standing by the basketball hoop.

"I take it by the look on your face it didn't go well" said Kelly coming over and hugging me

"It went as expected" I tell him "dad wouldn't listen to a word I was saying and just told me off over and over again" with a big sigh

"Forget about school for the time being and come and play some basketball with us" he says as Capp chucks a ball at me

"Its netball" I correct "Netball and basketball are two completely different thinngs"

"Whatever the bloody sport is just have a  game with us" he says rolling his eyes

"I'm on Jess' team!" Says Capp before anyone had even mentioned teams.

"If we're doing teams then we need another person" I says "it's not fair if the teams are uneven"

"Well I think its perfectly fair as you seem to be extremely good at this sport" Cruz says clearly tring to mae it easier for him to win.

"I agree with Jess" says Kelly before looking around to see if anyone else was nearby. His eyes fell on the woman from earlier who was still stood by the truck, I see a big smile form across Kelly's face "Hey Stella you fancy joining us" he call to her holding up the ball. She looks over to us and smiles

"Sure why not" she says setting down her clipboard and walking over to join us.

"Excellent! Jess this is Stella Kidd, shes new on truck 81. Stella this is Jess, Dawson and Caseys Kid." Explains Kelly

Stella looks at me and smiles "lovely to meet you Jess" she says

"You too" i say back

"Jess here is a basketball wiz and can get it in from all the way over there" says Kelly pointing to the other side of the floor.

"Netball" i correct again

"Whatever its fucking called" he replies brushing me off.

"Kelly severide you better not be swearing infront of my daughter again" i turn and look to see Brett amd my mum walking over to the Ambo to do inventory.

"She learns all the best insults and swear words from her godfather" kelly says waving at her

Mum just rolls her eyes at him before striking up a differnt coversation with Brett.

"She still hasnt forgiven you for my first word" i say trying not to laugh

"I know" agrees Kelly sniggering as well.

"What was your first word?" Asks Stella confused. Kelly and i both look at each other and start laughing.

"I spent so much time around Kelly when I was little that my first words were  Fuck off" I explain

"I think I'm with Dawson on that one" says Stella "Fuck off isn't exactly the best thing to have as a first word"

"I know but it is funny the way she still gets cross about it" I reply with a smile.

"The wonderful influence that is Kelly Severide" she says shaking her head "now let's get started on winning"

I smile at her in agreement and we begin our rendition of Netball/Basketball.

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