Chapter 61 - Meet the gang

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2 weeks later (Saturday)

Things had got much better for me and my family over the last week or so Nancy was gone and I had been getting top marks in my studies to become a paramedic.

Liam and I were in the park not far from 51 walking hand in hand occasionally throwing a ball for Ellie.

We were both really busy during the week so hardly ever got to see each other so we both set aside our Saturdays to meet up and do something together.

This particular morning Liam had asked me if I would come with him to meet up with some of his academy mates and of course Diego and Brooke would be there.

I had agreed but reluctantly I wasn't a fan of meeting new people, but i would do anything for Liam.

"Where abouts are we meeting your friends?" I ask Liam as we walk further into the park

"Over there" he says pointing to a bench with several people gathered around it.

We walk over and join them but to my surprise Diego is there without Brooke

"Where's Brooke?" I ask him as soon as we reach the group

It's been a while since I've actually seen my best friend we both have very busy schedules and although we text all the time it still doesn't feel right not seeing her every day.

"Nice to see you too JC" he says sarcasticly"

I laugh at him in all fairness I had missed him too.

"Sorry, its good to see you too" I reply hugging him

"Wait Dawson you know her already?" One of the other guys asks.

"So you didn't tell your new buddies that your best friend is screwing your cousin" I reply winding him up "or that your screwing my best friend"

"Shut up" Diego says embarrassed as the rookie cops around us stare open mouths at us.

Liam breaks the awkward silence by introducing me properly

"Guys this is Jess, Jess this is  Cooper,  Jones and Tanner" he tells me indicating to each one.

"So your not going to tell her our first names?" The one named Tanner says laughing

"No Point" Diego says chuckling "Jess was raised in a Firehouse she's more likely to remember your last names"

"Ok that makes literally no sense" I reply confused.

Just then Ellie leaps up from my feet and bolts towards someone I go to call her back but then realise who she's running to


I run after Ellie as Brooke begins to run towards us

We met in the middle and share a hug

"Ohhhhh I've missed you so much" she says holding me at arms length

Ellie jumps yapping at her heels

"Yes I've missed you too Ellie" she adds laughing

And we walk arms linked over to where the guys are.

Liams Pov

By the way Jess ran over to Brooke you would have thought that they hadn't seen each other for years instead of only a few weeks.

"Damn I see what you neen about both your girls being close" Jones says laughing

"Yeah" Diego replies

Ellie has obviously had enough of being ignored by by Brooke and Jess and comes padding back to me wanting attention.

"Is that your dog Halstead?" Cooper asks scratching her head

"Nah its Jess' my mum would freak out if I came home with dog" I tell him which earns some laughs

I was glad Jess came today I knew she was a bit hesitant but I've formed good relationships with theese guys and I so badly want her to get along with them.

It ain't easy to find your people but I think I had finally done that.

I had messaged my friends from my old school after Jess had suggested it but it turned out they didn't want anything to do with me anymore.

But quite frankly If they were going to be like that then I didn't need them.

Jess and Brooke rejoin us and we sit and spend the next hour or so Chatting and hanging out.

It was going really well and we were all getting on which was great

"So Jess did you say your parents were in the fire department?" Tanner asks her

She smiles and replies egarly she loves talking about her family at 51

"Yeah my dad's Captain of truck 81 and my mum is a........" she trails off she's looking at something

I've seen it now totally of 51s rigs have just driven past with sirens blaring. I laugh to myself as I realise something

She's had her hart set on being an Emt for her whole life and now that dream was actually coming true she was on cloud nine, like all the time. And I loved it.

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