Chapter 31 - Why is she here?

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I took one look at her and spun on my heal and ran back up the stairs slamming my bedroom door behind me.


Why of all people did it have to be Poppy.

The person who had told me I should have been in care was now in care herself.

And I hadn't told my parents about all our arguments since I punched her in September so they had no idea why I reacted the way I did.



Liam's Pov

Jess saw her before I did and it was like she was a whole different person when she saw her.

The light vanished from her eyes and her beautiful smile faded, she just turned and ran backupstairs.

Matt and Gabby both looked very confused she was never like this.

"Sorry Poppy shes not normally like that" Matt says scratching his head "this is Laim anyway"

I nod hello but don't smile at her

"So I'll show you to your room" Gabby says obviously sensing some awkwardness between us

And Gabby,Poppy and I walk up the stairs.

The way the upstairs is layed out puts Mine and Jess' room at the top of the stairs then the guest room,  Gabby and Matts room and the Bathroom at the end of the hall. Although it wasn't used very often as both occupied rooms had ensuite bathrooms.

"I just need to grab something  from the spare room" I say rushing ahead I Deffinatly don't want her rummaging through my stuff.

But I pause before I can reach the guest room and there is a loud noise coming from our room it was almost as if someone was trashing the place


That's exactly what was  happening

"Is everything OK?" Gabby asks as her and Poppy reach the top of the stairs

Then a very angry Yell followed by a loud crash come through the door.

Gabby looks instantly concerned

But Poppy just starts laughing.

"I mean I knew she hated me but wow"

"Wait what do you mean she hates you?" Gabby says confused.

"Shut your face" I say glaring at Poppy "it's a long story Gabby I'm sure we can explain when she calms down"

Gabby nods and knocks on the door.

"Jess can you open this door please"

No answer

"Jess come on honey"

Still no answer

She's staring to get a bit annoyed

"Jessica Leslie Casey you open this door right now before I have to kick it in"

For some reason Poppy feels the need to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong

"Would a drill work to get in?"

Gabby sighs before answering

"Not if she's put the dresser infront of the door, Poppy your room is the next one down go ahead and get settled"

"Sure thing" she replies

"Hold on let me get my stuff" I say momentarily forgetting Jess is falling apart on the other side of the door

"Well go on then" Poppy says irritably

And I walk into the bedroom to get what I need.

I had moved most of my stuff Into Jess' room by now aswell as most of my dad's stuff I'd kept, but there was still one box I couldn't bring myself to look through.

I knew exactly was in it, anyone would if you read the engravigs on the top.

It was dad's medal box where he kept all his army and police medals and commendations.

We used to sit at home when i was younger and he'd tell me the stories behind some of them.

I smiled fondly at this memory and piked the wooden box up of the dresser and walked out.

"Thats all it was a wooden box I could have brought that out for you " Poppy says as I  hold it up to show Gabby what it was

"You need to keep your fat nose out of my busisness." I say pissed at what she'd said

She just rolls her eyes and walks off into her room carrying her suitcase.

"Alright what's going on?" Gabby says sternly

I don't like lying to her especially after all her and Matt have done for me.

"You need to talk to Jess" I say

She nods and knocks on the door again

"Let me try and convince her to come downstairs" I tell Gabby, shes beginning to look a bit upset.

Jess had told me that her and her parents were close and I'd witnessed it first hand over the week I'd been here I could tell the fact this was so out of character for Jess was bothering Gabby more than she was letting on

"Ok let us know if you need anything" she replies and she walks off downstairs.


Jess' Pov

I'm sat on the floor at the foot of my bed crying my eyes out.

I didn't realise how much Poppy had gotten to me until she showed up here and now I was the one who had taken things too far I'd completely trashed our bedroom.

My art supplies were all over the floor,clothes were splilling out of the wardrobe and books had flown off shelves.

I heard a knock at the door for the fiftieth time but it wasn't my mums voice which followed.

"Jess........ come on baby it's me, open the door."

I wipe my eyes and go and let Liam in the door which wasn't actually locked, so they could've come in at any point.

I see him standing there and just collapse into his arms a fresh wave of tears falling from my eyes.

He just scoops me up in his arms and carries me over to the bed where he lays us down and wraps his arms around me

"Its ok baby, it's going to be ok"

His efforts to calm me down are useless I just keep crying, I can't stop

So he just holds me tighter until I have no tears left to cry.

I sit up and look around the room.

"What the fuck have I done" I say quietly.

"You needed to take you anger out on something I get it" Laim replies kissing my messy hair.

"I didn't know why I reacted like that, I guess it's the though of having to share my parents with her and then once I started I couldn't stop all my resentment towards her just came pouring out."

"Its ok, why don't we clean this mess up and then why don't we take the fluffball for a walk"

"I like that idea" inreply getting off the bed

"Excellent" he replies "Alexa Shuffle music"

He knows me too well music always puts me in a good mood when I'm down and I immediately start dancing around to "I did something bad"

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