Chapter 48 - Drunk 🥴

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Shout out to Pipadoodle for giving me the idea for this chapter.

Also I added the movie trailer in case any of you are interested Pipadoodle and I watched them together and we would both highly recommend them

*there is no smut in this chapter as I'm never planning on writing any but some people may say that the temperature begins to rise towards the end*

Once the food had arrived we decided to watch 'fear street 1994' on Netflix while we ate.

As the end credits finally rolled I breathed a sigh of relief.

"That was amazing let's watch the second one!" Deigo said enthusiastically.

No way, the first one was far to scary for me I did not want to watch the second one.

I think Liam had noticed me tense as Diego suggested the next one, if he didn't he Deffinatly knew that film had terrified me as I had spent most of it hiding my face in his chest. Thankfully niether Brooke or Diego had noticed this, they were to engrossed in the movie.

"Maybe we could watch the next one a bit later let's do something else now" he says wrapping an arm around me.

"Let's get drunk!" Brooke said jumping up to grab some of the alcohol we had. I had no idea where it had come from as my parents only left us a beer each and Liams bottle was there too but the rest....

Brooke probably stolen it form her stepdad, I wouldn't put it past her.

"Yeah! Let's play truth or dare, if you don't answer you take a shot" Diego says immediately jumping up to help Brooke. He Deffinatly had a thing for her even though he kept denying it.

"You ok?" Liam asks once they were put of earshot.

"Yeah I think so" I reply stretching "scary films aren't really my thing"

"Yeah I noticed" he said chuckling

"Shut up"

"You remember that bit when Sam went crazy and....." he was winding me up deliberately now

"I'm serious li shut it"

"Awww your mad"

"No I'm not, I just don't want to talk about the film"

"Ok fine,love you"

"I love you too"

And we both lean in for a kiss just as Brooke and Diego come back carring shot glasses and the bottle of tequila Erin had given Liam.

"Ugh get a room" Brooke says. She's a bit fed up with all the making out Liam and I have been doing lately.

"Ok" Liam says and starts to get up

"I Didn't mean it" she adds rolling her eyes

"I know" liam says sitting back down again.

She rolls her eyes again and starts pouring drink into shot glasses

"So who's going first?" I ask trying to stifle a yawn.

"You" says Diego bluntly.


"So then Jess, truth or dare?" Liam says laughing.


"Do you wish that you could punch Poppy again?"

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