Chapter 32- I've made everthing worse

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The next morning.

I couldn't take it anymore, the snarky comments the constant whispering behind my back I just couldn't cope with it anymore.

I got up from where I was sat on the school field and walked the 5 steps to where she was and said her name once so she looked at me and put my full weight into a punch to her face.


I hadn't told mum and dad about my outburst last night even though Liam had begged me to I just couldn't bring myself to do it so I spent the rest of the evening shut up in my room not going down to dinner and not talking to anyone apart from Liam.

This morning it had just got worse she'd  Been taking jabs at me in lessons and I'm sure she'd told her friends about my outburst because they'd laugh at me every time I looked at them.

At break time I decided I couldn't cope anymore and took matters into my own hands.


If looks could kill I'd be dead for sure. The fury in her eyes was like nothing I'd ever seen before. She got to her feet and threw herself at me arms flailing, but I was ready for her. I barely flinched at the impact.

We punched each other again not paying attention to where our punches landed as long as they made contact with some body part.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me off of her, I knew who it was.

"Laim let go of me" I screemed struggling to get out.

"Jess calm down" he said tightening his grip on me

"You bitch" Poppy screams at Me, she's now back on her feet "what have I ever done to you"

I'm still flailing around in Liams grasp but manage to shout a reply

"You know exactly what you've done don't give me that bulshit"

Just then I see Brooke running over with Mr Lewis and Mrs Smith.

"She came at me for no reason" Poppy says to Mrs Smith who begins dabbing at her nosebleed with her sleeve

"No fucking reason what do you me no fucking reason"

"Jeesica calm down please" Mrs Smith says crossly "I'm really shocked at you this isn't isn't first time this has happened either is it"

I give up trying to break free from Liams grasp and just keep shouting

"No one ever believes me it's always about her she's the perfect one it's never me and its all my fault" I was ready to keep going on but Liam cuts in.

"Mr Lewis can Jess and I please speak with you"

"Yes I think that's a good idea and I think its best we call your parents too Jess" he replies

Liam still won't put me down so he carries me all the way to the school office which is empty where he eventually sets me down.

Mr Lewis starts talking in his usual calm tone

"Jess what is going on with you?"

I was going to say I was fine and take my punishment but I can't keep it in any longer

"She's been making comments about my family for months saying how I should be in foster care and my parents can't look after me properly and, and" I can't finish and just burst into tears.

Liam warps an arm around me and finishes for me

"And last night she turns up to our house as an emergency Foster placement acting all happy and friendly like nothing was up she's also been making comments all day about Jess' reaction to her showing up"

"And if you don't mind me asking what was your reaction Jess"

I take a deep breath before answering "I got cross and trashed my bedroom and shut everyone out all evening"

Mr Lewis' reaction is shocking. I expected him to be like a normal teacher and tell me to get a grip but instead he places a hand on my knee

"Jess why didn't you tell me she'd Been bothering you?" He sounds genuinely worried about me.

"I didn't think you'd believe me" is all I can say before I start crying again.

"Of course I believe you Jess you're such a lovely person and I know you wouldn't lie about this"

I smile slightly and slump Into Liam

"Whats going to happen now? I'm going to be kicked out won't aren't i?"

He gets up from his chair amd walks to the phone

"Not if I have anything to do with it your not, and as for what happens now I'm going to call your parents and ask them to come in for a meeting"

"You'll need to ring the Firehouse" I say "they're on shift today

He nods and presses the numbers into the phone waiting for an answer

"Hello this is Mr Peter Lewis from Soper's Academy would it be possible to speak with the parents of Jessica Casey?"

There is a pause while the person on the other end of the line speaks.

"Errr we need them to come in for a meeting at some point but that doesn't have to be today if they aren't currently available. But if someone would come and collect her that would be great she could do with going home"

There is another pause

"Ok that's wonderful goodbye"

He then turns to me and Liam.

"Your parents have just gone out on a call but someone should be coming to get you now" he explains.

"Do you know who is coming?" I ask hoping I don't end up with a candidate.

"No, I didn't get a name "

I was about to reply when Mrs Smith walks in still looking very cross.

"Jessica your lucky her nose isn't broken or you could be in more trouble than your already in and I can tell you that's an awful lot"

I don't reply and bury my head in my hands, Liam Pulls me closer to him.

She seems to have decided I'm feeling sorry for myself (I Deffinatly wasn't) as she turns to Mr Lewis.

"Have you called her parents I do believe Poppy is currently staying at her house as well so I'm sure they can decided wether or not she needs medical attention"

Mr Lewis looks at me sadly before replying

"I spoke to someone at the Firehouse and someone is coming to collect Her"

Mrs Smith seems satisfied with this answer and she says nothing else and just stands over us making me feel quite awkward.

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