Chapter 21 - Back to school

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*Just a side note I have no idea how covid guidance was/is in America I'm going by roughly what my school did when letting students return*

2 months later

"Well I guess your going back to school" mum said at dinner on Sunday night

We had just received a letter from school explaining what their plans were for the rest of the academic year


Dear parents/students

I first want to thank you for your efforts theese past few months and wish to inform you of my plans for the last 2 months of the school year.

We Hope to welcome our seniors back to school one day a week splitting them into four covid bubbles and they will be taking part in core subjects (English,maths,science,Spanish and life skills) the remaining subjects will continue to be taught virtually and still require 100% attendance unless you are In school.

All other students will continue with virtual learning however teachers may change due to some staff being in school.

The groupings for seniors are as follows

Monday- North tutor group
Tuesday- East tutor group
Wednesday- school closed for deep cleaning
Thursday - South tutor group
Friday- West tutor group

Masks are to be worn at all times by students and staff and physical contact will be limited where possible

Yours sincerely

Robert Chilton


I was in East along with both Liam and Brooke so at least I was with my friends but apart from those two I didn't speak with anyone else in my tutor group as they were all  really smart and wanted nothing to do with me, so Brooke and I usually just kept ourselves to ourselves.

"So I think our arrangements will stay the same" says dad swallowing his mouthful of sausage.

"Yeah" agrees mum, "you go to school on Tuesdays and then come to the Firehouse the other days if we're on shift.

"Fair enough" I say playing with the remains of my dinner I wasn't really sure what to think of going back to school,

I mean it would be nice to see Brooke and Liam in person and not over face time and accidental Firehouse meetings
But it was school and school with all the shitty lessons.

I already knew that I would struggle with motivation without Art, Food tech and Pe but it was only one day a week and then it would be the summer holidays and I could start working on my career in the CFD


Tuesday morning

I was out of practice for the get up and ready for school routine so of course I was late.

I yelled bye to my parents and chambered into my mums car.

Now I had had my license for quite a while now but my parents would only let me drive if one of them was with me I think they though I would drive recklessly if they weren't there and if I'm honest I don't blame them they had pulled to many people out of car wrecks caused by dangerous driving.

Today was they first day I finally was allowed to drive myself to school. Brooke and I usually lift shared by we couldn't now due to covid so my parents had reluctantly let me borrow mums car.

And I managed to make it to school safe and sound.

I was a bit early so pulled out my phone to text mum and let her know I was safe.


A car horn made me jump and I hastily looked around to work out where the it came from

"Oi Jess you should have seen your face" said Brooke as she chambered out of her car which she'd parked next to mine. "I can't actually believe your mum let you drive as well"

"I know although neither of them were keen but they have to get over it at some point as if all goes to plan I'll be driving ambulances by the end of the year" I reply

"Hell yeah you will!" She says doing a fistpump in mid air

Brooke was like my cheerleader and made sure my road to becoming a paramedic was as easy as possible.

I glanced at my watch even though we were still 15 minutes early it was probably a good Idea to go in as we didn't actually know what we were doing

And Brooke agreed when i told her so

So we walked up to the front door putting our Masks on before going in.

Mrs Smith the deputy head was waiting in the lobby.

She greeted us with her usual cheery voice.

She was one of those teachers who seemed nice when you first met her and then became more annoying the longer you knew her (Brooke had taken to referring to her as bitch face)

She also hadn't been in her leadership position that long and Brooke and I both agreed the power had gone to her head

"Morning girls sanitise your hands and then make your way to your usual form room where you will be based today."

We smile but don't say anything and sanitise our hands and make our way down the corridor.

Once we're put of earshot Brooke says "why is she such a bitch"

"We've been back in school not even 5 minutes and your already slagging off the teachers" I say laughing

"Yeah well I've got 4 months worth of insults saved up so you better be ready" she smiles

"Haha OK I'm ready"

We finally reach the door to our form room.

"I bet you were first" Brooke says rolling her eyes

"Yep" I say with a sigh

But there was actually someone else there........

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