Chapter 59 - Talk to me

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The next morning

I found it hard to belive that today was only my second day at the academy so much had happened in the few hours I had been at home it was hard to believe.

My dad was in his way to the 21st District as I got home the previous evening I passed him at the door and he was muttering things like "Why did i let her stay" and "not coming back in my house". I took this to mean It was unlikely that I would ever see my grandmother again. Oh well like I cared .

I had gone to bed not long after this as I was tired after a day of work and then the incident with my grandmother.

I kept waking up that night I had bad dream after bad dream it was as if my grandmother was haunting me.

I eventually rolled out of bed and downstairs at 7am running on about 3 hours sleep if that.

Mum and dad were downstairs whispering quietly but there whispers stopped as soon as I entered.

"Whats going on?" I asked them

"It looks like grandma is going to be staying with us a bit longer as she was let off with a caution" dad tells me I can tell he's pissed

I think my irritation showed on my face  as he started explaining thi gs a bit more.

"Jess I'm so sorry this is not what I wanted at all and belive me she is only staying until I find I find a suitable apartment for her then she's out. As I want nothing to do with her after that"

I just nod my head to show I'd heard him but don't respond as I don't want to say something I will regret.

I grab a granola bar from the cupboard and walk out the door not even stopping to pet Ellie

I was very early to the Academy that day but I just sat in the locker room with my earphones in trying to clear my head.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Bella had arrived until she tapped on the shoulder looking a bit worried.

"Jess are you OK? You look very pale"

"Do I?" I reply still not really with it

"Yeah you do, maybe you should go home."

"No I'm good it's only a theory lessons today anyway" I say brushing her off.

How was the last place I wanted to be right now.

"Ok fine. But just know you can talk to me whenever,.Ok even if we haven't known each other that long"

"Thanks Bella I appreciate it" I say getting up  And grabbing my books out my locker.

It was nice to have a new friend don't get more wrong I loved Brooke Diego and Liam to pieces but sometimes I feel like they know me a little too well and would have forced my feelings out of me and to be quite honest thats now what I wanted right now.

Bella and I walk to our classroom Bella telling me to hurry up because we were late.

I open the door and walk in offing a smile to Sylvie who was flicking through a textbook I think she Knew something was up with me as she furrowed her eyebrows and watched me as I took my seat.

Bella was so full of apologies you would have thought she'd never been late before.

"Sorry we're late we got stuck in traffic and...." she trails off after I give her the shut the fuck up look.

Sylvie began explaining the first tasks for the day.

I don't really pay attention once again letting my mind wander.

What if I had been more accepting of her would she have taken drugs If I had showed even a tiny bit of love even if it didn't exist.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didnt realise that Bella was talking to me until she waves her hand in front of my face.

"Woah you look even wose are you sure your ok?" Bella asks again "And please don't tell me your fine because your obviously not"

"Your right I'm not fine" it only took this one sentence for tears to start forming in my eyes again.

Bella looked shocked i don't think she quite expecting me to burst into tears.

Luckily Sylvie had been watching me all morning and came right over.

"Let me guess mum told you" I say wiping my eyes.

"Yeah she did, so come on if you won't talk to her talk to me" she says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"This is all my fault, if I had been nicer too her this wouldn't have happened." I say sadly.

"Oh Jess no" she says sympatheticly. "This has nothing to do with you"

"It does though, I could have been more accepting or  spent more time with her..." a knock at the door cut me off.

Immediately every head in the room turned towards the door. I guess they really did find the protocols boring.

Of all the people who could have knocked at the door was not expecting my mum to be behind it when it opened.

I immediately look from her to Sylvie and back again.

"Seriously you asked her to come and get me" I say a bit annoyed.

"No I didn't she was coming to help me out today anyway, it just so happened that you were in a bad mood" she replied before getting up and walking over to her.

Bella now looked even more confused

"Do you know them two or something Bella asks me "because you and Brett seemed way too friendly for people that met yesterday If you ask me"

I laugh "Yeah I do Brett is my godmother and works on the Same rig as my mum who is the person that just walked  in."

She doesn't have time to respond as Brett has started talking again.

"OK everyone I'd like to introduce my partner out on the streets Gabriela Dawson we've worked together for nearly 20 years and she's going to help us out today and a few times throughout the training process...."

I zone out again, I'm feeling better after my chat with Sylvie but theres still a little voice in the back of my mind going what could you have done differently........

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