Chapter 45 - I'm so happy for you

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I walk In to the Firehouse with a massive grin on my face, there was nothing that could ruin my mood absolutely nothing.

I had dropped Poppy of at home before coming out again (she was in a bad mood as Ruby had practically told her that she didn't want to be friends anymore oh well like I cared)

Most of the team were sat around in the common room minding their own business.

"Guess what!" I say and they all look up

"You got laid" Kelly said laughing earning himself a punch from Cruz

"Errrr no" I say rolling my eyes. I reach into my pocket and pull out the letter.

"I got mail"

"What kind of mail?" Sylivie asks

"Mail from a Chief Hatcher whoever that is" I reply teasing them slightly (of course I know who chief hatcher is)

"Oh my god" mum says sitting up in her chair "i totally forgot that letter were coming out today"

"You KNEW and didn't tell me" I'm actually kinda annoyed

"Every medic in Chicago knew and I didn't not tell you I just forgot" she says simply

I scoff and roll my eyes

"Well then did you get in?" Hermann asks eager to know.

"You bet i did" i say, my smile growing even more

The room erupts in very loud cheers and I'm bombarded with hugs from everyone

"I called it" yells Herrmann "I knew you'd do it kiddo, your completely awesome."

"Hell yeah you are" kelly says giveing me a high five.

"Lets have a party at Mollys" capp says obviously hoping for free drinks.

"Err Capp worldwide pandemic" Gallo says stating the obvious.

"Oh yeah" capp realises.

The team go back to whatever it was they were doing before leaving me with my parents.

"I'm so proud of you Jess" mum says I can tell she's trying not to cry

"Mum are you seriously crying" I say laughing.

"No of course not" she replies wiping her eyes "I'm so happy, you've worked so hard for this Jess and I love you so much"

"I love you too mum" we hug each other tightly.

"Nicely done Jess" dad says patting me on the shoulder.

"Thanks dad I say smiling at him, I couldn't have done it without you both"

I don't know how it happened but we end up sharing a family hug. We really were a team. Team Casey.

we're family and family is forever.

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