Chapter 34 - The whole truth

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"You should have told your parents last night that you two had issues" Kelly told me as he cleaned the cut on my head.

We were sat in his quarters at 51 and I had told him everything that had happened.

"I know but I just couldn't" I say sadly wiping yet another tear from my eye. I was surprised I had any tears left given the amount I'd cried the last 24 hours.

"I don't think you'll need stitches but I'll let the trained medics tell you that" he says standing up and leaning on his desk.

"I need to tell mum and dad don't I?"

"Yeah you do, I don't know what will happen with Poppy going forward but your parents and I will be here every step of the way"

"Thanks" I smile

Then I see my parents walking back to the bunk room with worried looks on their faces. Someone must have told them I was here.

As soon as I see them I start crying all over again today had just been too much for me.

Mum wastes no time in wrapping her arms around me.

"Cruz said you'd been in a fight" dad says leaning on the doorframe

I don't answer just lean against mum crying.

Kelly answers for me "do you want me to tell them or do you want to do it" He says looking at me

I wipe my eyes for the hundredth time that day and mumble a reply

"You can do it, I'll add anything you miss"

Over the next 20 minutes Kelly and i tell my parents everything that's happened and why got into another fight with Poppy.

"I can't believe it, why didn't you tell us yesterday or even before that?" Dad asks putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know I just couldn't" I reply.

I had finally calmed down and stopped crying.

"I'll call the school after we get of shift and talk to them and see whats going to happen next.

Just then the new candidate knocks at the door

"Sorry to Interupt but there is a Mr Lewis and a Mrs Smith along with 2 kids hear the speak with Captain Casey and Dawson"

"Really I told that woman that you'd call her" Kelly says Pissed off

"Ok thanks James, show them to the briefing room and we'll be right there" dad says

"Time to face the music" I say getting up

And me, mum, dad, walk out of Kellys office to the briefing room.

I walk in and see Mr Lewis, Mrs Smith, Poppy and Liam.

I go over and wrap my arms around Liam who returns my hug.

Mrs Smith starts talking almost as soon as the door closes behind dad.

"Sorry to but in like this Mr and Mrs Casey but both the head teacher and I feel that this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible, I believe you already know Mr Lewis"

"We do" mum replies

Mr Lewis is the next one to speak.

"I have noticed a lot of building tension between both Jess and Poppy over the last academic year but I must say I was more than a little shocked to hear of this fight"

I speak up next as I think its best to get some sort of apology out in the open

"I truly am sorry for my actions today, I didn't deal with my anger the way I should have"

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