Chapter 73 - Negotiations

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The next day

To Jess from Kelly

K: you busy???

J: not really why?

K: I need someone to cook dinner at 51

J: why can't you just do it yourself or someone else

K: its squads turn to cook and I can't be asked.... cruz offered but we both know what his food tastes like.

J: very good point

K: I'll make it worth your while....

J: go on...

K: ill pay you back for the money on ingredients

J:You were doing that anyway, you know what I want (and you mean I'll not ill)

K:fuck off about my grammar. Fine I'll pay you back and let you drive the squad rig ONLY ONCE but you'll be the one answering to boden if it gets wrecked

Also hurry up the others are on a call

J: Liam and I will be there in 20 minutes

I'd hoped that Liam and I could just spend a night in at home and eat take out but apparently not.

Driving the squad rig was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I had been desperate to drive it ever since I'd got my licence but Kelly had never let me as apparently I'd scratch his rig. It was almost as if he cared about his precious rig than he did me.

I sit up on the sofa and turn to Liam who is quite engrossed in whatever shit is on the TV.

"Do you fancy dinner at 51 tonight?"

"What happend to a quiet night in?"

"Kelly wants me to cook in exchange for letting me drive his rig"

Liam thought about it for a bit before making his mind up

"Sure why not as long as I don't have to talk to Eddie"

"Thats fine, I though Diaz was your best friend?" I don't want to force it out of him but it doesn't hurt to ask

Liam sighs heavily and begins running his fingers through my messy hair

"Was being the key word there, we were so close before I moved schools but then we lost dad and by the time I was up to messaging him agin he had just changed into the asshole you met at the academy" he explains

"Fair enough, don't think of it as a trip to see him think of it as a trip to see the guys at 51, mum and dad were saying just the other say the haven't seen you in ages"

He smiles at me before replying

"Thats a good point it would be nice to see your parents again. i suppose we best get going then"

"Yep" I reply And we lock up the house leaving a very sad Ellie alone and head to Walmart so I can get Ingredients for dinner.

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