Chapter 56 - Coffee and a DUI

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As I left the Academy my phone buzzed in my pocket I pulled it out to see a text from mum.

M:Wanna go and grab Coffee of something?

J: sure, usual spot?

M: Obviously

So I instead of driving straight home I drove to our favourite coffee shop. It was a fairly small establishment but boy it was amazing . Me and mum had gotten to know the owner over the several years we had been going and often went together when we wanted to hang out.

I saw mum's car already parked outside when I pulled up so I pulled into the space next to hers and headed inside where I spotted her at our usual table chatting to Linda the owner.

"Hello Jess, the usual?" Linda says when she sees me.

"Yes please Linda that would be great" I reply sitting down with mum.

Linda nods and walks off to prepare our orders.

"So then how did it go?" Mum asks me egarly

I roll me eyes she really was thrilled by the fact I was going to be just like her.

"It was really good actually I got the highest score in CPR training and the instructor said it was the highest he'd seen in a long time" I tell her.

"What percentage did you get?" She asks me

I think I know where this is going.


"Thats really good"

"Come off it what did you get?" I say trying not to laugh.

"98" she replies smirking.

"That was only the first session I will beat your score eventually mark my words"

"Don't worry I have no doubt you will Jess, what's your main instructor like?"

"Errr really nice actually I think you might know her"

"Oh yeah"

"Goes by the name of Sylvie Brett"



"Nice,that also explains why I got an email sayingn i would be acting PIC with a floater for a partner for the next 6 weeks."

"What so Brett's not working shifts?" I don't know what I expected, the academy if full time, but still.

"Yeah, it is more pay but rookies is a once a year thing so they rope in some proper medics to take it on for a while saves them hiring new people as instructors" she explains.

"Ohhhh ok"

"Tell me all about your day don't miss a single detail" she tells me

And I begin talking not missing a single detail like like asked.


When mum and I got home after our coffee date we found dad in a bit of a flap talking hurriedly into the phone.

"I understand that but I think....."

"If you would just let me say something for a second...."

"Can I at least talk to her."

Mum and I exchanged worried looks with each other what's going on?

"Matt, honey, what's going on?" Mum asked him when he finally hung up the phone.

"I lent my mum my car so she could go meet one of her old friends then 30 minutes later I get a call say she's been arrested for a DUI.

"Oh god" I say

"Yeah" dad says running a hand through his hair.

"And apparently this isn't the first time she'd been caught doing this in the last six months"

"Great" says mum sarcasticly "where is she now do you know?"

"She's at the 24th District along side her friend who I belive who she called Bunny"

Oh god.

"Wait did you say bunny?" I ask hoping it's not who I think it is.

"Yeah why?"

"I'll be back later" I reply And I turn round and head back out the door dialling Liams phone number as I did so.

"Hey baby....." he begins but I cut him off getting right to the point.

"Your mums mum."

"What about that asshole?"

"Whats her name?"

"Bunny I think, why?

"My grandmother just got done for a DUI and she went out with a friend my dad thinks was called Bunny."

"Oh shit"

"Yeah, I'm on my way to yours, do you think we should go and talk to your mum and Voight about this"

"I reckon so as Bunny won't have given any details linking her to mum or Voight. Do your parents know where your going?"

"No I heard the name Bunny mentioned and told them I'll be back later without really explaining myself"

"Of course you did" he chuckled down the phone.

I roll my eyes.

"Be over soon"


Oh shit, what was I going to do from what I had heard Bunny was terrible. A drug addiction for most of Erin's childhood u til she had moved in with Voight, and messed her around ever since. I had a nasty feeling this was going to be rough. Whatever the outcome would be.

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