Chapter 25 - News

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No news is good news right....

That's what I had to keep telling my self as we sat in the waiting room at Chicago med.

All we knew was that Jay was in surgery in critical condition.

The waiting room was empty apart from Me, Liam, my parents Liams uncle Will and Sergant Voight.

There were lots more people here earlier but as time went on and the longer we had Been waiting people had began to leave.

Voight had told the people who were left to go home as he felt we didn't need an audience.

Diego wanted to stay with us but Antonio had made a compromise about coming back in the morning if we hadn't heard anything.

The only reason my parents had let me stay is that I told them Laim needed me which wasn't a lie and knew it was the right decision as he was sat next to me with his head on my shoulder with his eyes all blood shot from crying.

No news is good news, I told myself for the hundredth time that hour.

Just then I hear a door open and I look up to see the surgeon operating on Jay come through it Dr Marcel I think his name was.

I gently nuged Liam and he looked up and saw the doctor.

I squeezed his hand as he got up and walked over to him with his uncle.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest I wanted Jay to be ok for Liam he needed his dad.

I'd lost count of the times he'd told me how much like a best friend his dad was to him.

I couldn't hear anything the doctor was saying but felt my heart sink as Liam shouted

"Why the Fuck didn't you try harder to save him!" Before storming off out the main doors.

I didn't have time to feel sad or grieve right now I knew I had to go find Laim and make sure he was OK.

It didn't take long to find him, he was sat on a bench with his head in his hands.

I sit down next to him and pull him into my chest wrapping my arms around him.

The sob he let's out shatters my heart into a million tiny pieces.

He's in so much pain right now and I just wish I could take it all away.

"What am I going to do Jess," he says through tears

"I have no one left"

"You have me" i say wiping my own tears away.

"I love you Jess" he says looking up at me

"I love you to Li and I'm going to be with you through all of this" I reply kissing him gently.

We sit holding each other in silence for a while before Liam sits up and realises something.

"Where am I ment to go?, I mean dad's gone uncle Will is going to be too sad for me to cope with and mum......" he trails off

He's right he really is alone right now but I know exactly what we can do.

"Come home with me" I say smiling at him


"Yes,my parents won't mind and I'm sure we can look into your options about who you live with further down the line when your ready"

"Your so fucking amazing, did I ever tell you" he says wiping his eyes"


Of course my parents agreed that Liam could stay with us for the time being and it wasn't long before we headed home"

I offered to stop at his apartment so he could grab some cloths and stuff but he turned me down and said he had the stuff he needed already in the backpack his dad had given him earlier.

I'd forgotten about that, I'd even forgotten about school that day. All that felt like it was weeks ago.

So much had happened in the few hours we'd been home from school, so much bad stuff.

But we'd sort that all out in the days to come what Laim needed right now was sleep if that was even possible with everything that had happened.

We got home a bit before my parents did so I lead Liam up the stairs and showed him the guest room.

But then I realised he probably didn't want to be alone right now no matter What he said so I held my hand off for him and led him down the hall to my room instead.

He didn't say anything but he looked grateful that I'd be with him.

We changed and then curled up together in bed.

Part of me felt it was too early for us to be sleeping next to each other but quite frankly I didn't care. Liam needed me.

"I know its probably that last thing you want to hear but I'm so sorry about your dad" I tell him as he rests his head on my chest.

"I only want to hear that from people I care about too many people will get annoying" he replys with a small chuckle.

"I just don't know what I'm going to do without him Jess he was my best friend"

"I know but right now lest just try and sleep" I say calmly.

He nods his head but doesn't say anything.

I can tell hes tired which means he'd hopefully sleep.

Then next few day will take a lot out of him which I knew from experience.

I snuggled down next to him wrapping my arms around him.

I shut my eyes and listened to Laims steady Breathing hoping sleep would come


Hey guys,

I hope no one is too mad about what I did to Jay 😅

Part of me felt I needed some sort of challenge for Jess and Liam, rather than it just being perfect all the time.

Thank you so much for all the recent love on my story it really means so much to Me

*remember to vote if you like what you read

Hope all is well


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