Chapter 39 - Trouble in paradise

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1 week later

Time had gone too quickly for my liking, Liam was moving in with his mum tomorrow and it's safe to say I wasn't best pleased.

"Earth to Jessica" Liam calls waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I say snapping out of my daze.

"You've been oddly quiet all day Jess somethings bothering you" he says throwig another shoe into his suitcase.

"I'm fine" I reply getting up "I'm going to the Firehouse"

I grab my phone and car keys and walk out ignoring himas he calls me back.

I couldn't bring my self to tell him how I really felt about him leaving. Of course I was happy for him don't get me wrong  but there was a small part of me that didn't want him to leave.

I needed to get out for a while and clear my head.

When I pull up to the Firehouse I notice truck,and Engine are both missing.

So it's just mum Brett and Squad  here i tell myself. And sure enough I find the two medics in the common room laughing about something.

"Hey Jess you'll never guess who Brett slept with!" Mum says obviously desperate to tell the news she had just found out

I already knew this however as Liam, Brooke, Diego and me had taken to facetimeing at least once a week and Diego had told us that he'd accidentally walked on on his dad and Brett. We all found his reaction hilarious, he was absolutely mortified.

"I already know Diego told me he walked in on them" I say with a smirk

Brett's face drains of colour and mums draw drops.

"I'll leave you with that information, have you seen Kelly?" I ask them

"Yeah he's in his office, you ok?" Mum asks looking concerned.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be" I reply brushing her off

"Maybe because Liam is moving out tomorrow" she says as if i didn't already know that

I sigh and reluctantly say how I feel, it's not like mum doesn't already know, mothers instinct and all that shit.

"I'm going to miss him but I can't really stop him from going can I, it's his mum"

Mum comes over and wraps her arms around me.

"Its not going to be easy your right but you guys have such a strong relationship I know you'll be fine"

"Thanks mum" I say hugging her back.

I eventually brake the hug and go tonwalk out the room but she calls me back.

"If your going to get yourself laid tonight while we're out make sure you use protection"

Now it's my turn to be embarrassed, Liam and I had never even spoken about sex let alone had any. Why do parents always have to be so embarrassing.

I walk out of the common room without saying anything and go and find Kelly in his office.

He looks up when he sees me

"Don't become an officer, it is cool being in charge but the paperwork, fucking hell there's loads"

I just laugh

"Ok noted" I reply sitting down on his bunk

"Wasn't expecting to see you today what with Laim moving out tomorrow" he says putting his pen down.

"Yeah well I got a bit overwhelmed and left him too his packing"

"You'll be ok without him you know that" he says looking at me

"I know but I'm so used to having him around" I say sighing

"It'll get easier and before you know it you'll be married and have your own place." He says smirking.

"Woahhhhh, slow down let's get graduation out the way first" reply but also laughing.

That got me thinking a bit more about our future together, I could actually see me and Laim getting married, having kids, even  growing old together.

"Yeah it's like what 3 weeks til you graduate isn't it, bloody hell I remember when you were born"

"Yep then I'll start training  to be a paramedic in September"

"When did baby Jess get so grown up" he says smiling

"I know tell me about it" I reply "fancy a game of Netball?"

"I'll do anything if it means a break from the paperwork" Kelly says grabbing the ball from under his desk.

We head out of the office and toward the apparatus floor for our latest game of Netball.


I spent a few more hours at 51 before heading home just after dinner.

Liam was waiting for me when I got in.

"All day Jess! You've been avoiding me all fucking day!" He doesn't sound happy.

"I know Liam I'm sorry" I try to apologise but he cuts me off.

"Dont think I don't know why your acting funny, its because you can't cope with the fact that I'm leaving, you don't want to be alone stuck here with nothing to do all day"

"Liam please just listen" but he cuts me off again

"No Jess, you listen, you've known about today for weeks now you've had every opportunity to speak up but you haven't now the day is here and you've gone all weird and shut down and I can't stand it"

I've run out of words I can't think of any more responses so I shove past him and storm off up of the stairs slamming my bedroom door. Yes MY bedroom door it wasn't his anymore. And shove the dresser In front of it so no one can come in.


Liam's Pov


I'd pushed her to far,

I'd over reacted,

What the fuck was I going to do now,

"Jess" I called up the stairs

"What the fuck was all that about" comes a different voice

Poppy, Thats all I need

"None of your bussiness" I say agreesively.

"Woah, sounds to me as if your more than a little cross"

"Look thanks for the input but I'd appreciate it if you stop sticking you nose in mine and Jess' relationship when you don't even have one of your own"

"Ok fine I'll back off, but I think you need to start by apologising to her"

And she walks off back.into her room.

I guess she had a point, even if Jess wouldn't listen to me, I had to at least try and make things right.

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