Chapter 6 - I hate Hospitals

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"What you got 61" I heard nurse Maggie say over the usual hospital din

"Jessisca Casey 16 years old, landed wrong during a Netball game,
Obvious dislocated knee all obs normal and oh yeah she'll tell you she's fine but don't listen to that" mum tells her

"Right ok your going to treatment 5" Maggie says indicating to a treatment room

I sigh as I'm wheeled into the room and told to shuffle on the bed, I really don't want to be here.

"I'm staying here, ask Kidd to cover for me till I get back" mum says to Brett.

"Yeah I figured" she replies "Nice to see you Jess"

"Bye" I say as she walks out.

Almost as soon as Sylvie has gone a doctor walls in looking at an Ipad.

"Hi Jessica I'm Dr Manning........" she trails off as she spots my mum.

"Hey Gabby it's good to see you" she smiles.

"Yeah you two" mum replies smiling back.

"So then what seems to be the problem?" She asks

I open my mouth to answer but mum interject before I can speak.

"Possible dislocated knee after she landed funny in a Netball Game" she explains "61 was called to the scene"

"Mum you do know I can speak for myself" I say rolling my eyes.

"Yes I do but I also know that if you said it you'd down play your injury" she says looking at me.

I open my mouth but close it again when I realise she's right.

"Ok it definitely looks dislocated so I'll sort you out a scan and if that comes back clear then I'll relocate it for you and you can be on your way" Dr Manning says with a smile.

"Thanks" I say before she walkes out.


I had just got back from the scanner when dad came running into the room.

"Sorry it took so long to get here we had a really long call out" he says out of breath "are you OK jess? He asks me worried.

"Yeah I'm OK just wating on CT scan results" I tell him.

He nodds his head and walks over to where mum is sat and gives her a kiss.

"The most important thing is did you win the game" he asks me enthusiastically

"Matt really, Jess has a dislocated knee and all you care about is wether or not they won the game" says mum harshly

"What I'm just asking" he says with a smile.

"I don't actually know, they were going to carry on playing after we left and Brooke said she'd text me. But I bet you shes forgotten" I say with a laugh.

"That sounds like Brooke to forget that" Chuckles mum

Brooke and I had been friends since kindergarten and we both spent huge amounts of time at each others houses and knew everything about each other.

Just then Dr Manning came back in along with another person who I didn't recognise.

"Ok Jess good news, your scan came back clear which means we can relocate it for you now" she tells us with a smile

"How long until I can play Netball again?" This question had been on my mind since we had arrived in the Ed

"Well you'll be in a knee brace and on crutches for about 3 - 4 weeks and then you'll have to go to a few sessions of physio to check everything has healed as it should" she tells us

I feel my heart drop, 4 weeks is a long time to be out but it could be worse I suppose.

"Ok if your ready,  student doctor Reese and i will relocate your knee" she says as Reese moves to lay the bed down.

"Yep let's get it over and done with" I say with a sigh. Bracing myself for any pain I might feel.


It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would when they relocated my knee and we were soon heading back home.

"We need to head back to work, are you going to be ok here?" Mum asked

"Yeah I'll be fine" I tell her "do I have to go to school tomorrow?"

They both chuckle slightly, i think they knew i would ask this.

"You can stay home tomorrow but you will have to go in the day after" dad says firmly.

I was satisfied with this answer. The only thing that motivated me to go to school was PE and Art. I hated school and didn't have any friends, Brooke being the only exception. But I knew I had to keep my grades up if I had any hope of becoming a EMT.

"call us if you need anything" says mum as they head out

"Will do" I respond

And then they were gone and then i had the while house to myself except for Ellie our Border Collie.

And then they were gone and then i had the while house to myself except for Ellie our Border Collie

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