Chapter 72 - It always works

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Jess' Pov

Poppy always managed to get under my skin. No matter how big or how small it would always affect me in someway or another.

After T.K and I got back from out multiple calls I decided it would be best to go and sit out on the roof agin so I'm not in the way being all mopy.

The cool Chicago breeze felt refreshing as I stood staring out over the darkening sky.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Buck and T.k had come out to join me.

Of all the people at 19 these were the two I was closest to and we would often spend the evening of our shifts sat up here. But I wasn't really in the mood for company.

"Look I appreciate what your trying to do, making sure I'm OK and all, but I'd rather just be alone right now" I tell them.

"Tough luck your not getting rid of us that easily JC" T.k says "Buck, turn on the music!"

Music what the hell is going on.

Buck sets down a portable speaker and beging to blast out best song ever by one direction.

T.K looks at me and grins

"I may have called Carlos who passed me over to your Boyfriend and he said when your upset or down you like to dance it out, so that's what we're doing" he says dragging me towards him and buck.

"Really" I reply

"Hell yeah JC" buck says really going for it

"Fine!" I say giving in and dancing in with them.

We had been dancing for a little while when the door opens and the rest of the team look at is with shocked and confused faces. I guess they could hear the music

"What the hell are you doing?" Judd asks

"Dancing it out" buck says enthusiastically, I swear he was more into this than me.

"Why?" Questions Gibson

"Why not?" Replies T.k "now are you lot going to join us or stand there staring like a bunch of idiots

One by one the team come over and join in just as the song changes to on the floor by jenifer Lopez.

This was brilliant, dancing it out with my 19 family around me, I felt so much better already.

Anyway my mum always said "dancing it out always works, no matter what the situation"

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