Chapter 47 - Lets get this party started

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3 hours later

"Promise us you'll be sensible Jess" mum said as she laced up he combat boots

"We'll  be fine don't worry about us" I reply brushing her off

"Why am I not convinced" she says rolling her eyes "and please don't drink too much I don't want to come home to a house full of hungover teenagers."

My parents had got the first half of their shift off to come to graduation and were now going in for the last 10 hours or so.

"Seriously We'll be fine, Liam will be here in about 10 minutes and then Brooke and Diego are coming at 8, we'll chat, drink a bit then go to bed"


She still doesn't sound entirely convinced. But seriously what damage could four 18 year olds do?

I waved my parents off Ellie barking at the car as she always did.

I went back inside and started tidying a few things up I didn't get very far as it wasn't long before I heard tyres on the driveway.

I went opend the door and saw Liam parking his car.

Ellie bounded up to him almost as soon as he'd turned the engine off

"Hey fluff ball!" I heard him say as Ellie jumped up excitedly around his feet.

I walk over and hug him.

"Did you get the whole be sensible lecture as well?" I asks him rolling my eyes

"Of course I did" he says sniggering."Come on help me get the snacks inside.

"Ooo what did you get?" I ask peering into the shopping bags.

"Popcorn, crisps, oven fries and a few other things" he replies

"Liam what is this?" I say pulling a bottle out of one of the bags

"Ohh" he laughs slightly "my mum gave me that on the condition that we drink responsibly"

It was a large bottle of tequila it looked like a very fancy one as well (my knowledge of alcohol was very limited).

We head back in and dump the shopping on the side, we would open it when  Brooke and Diego arrived.

"So what are going to do for 2 hours while we wait for the others?" I say sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Well I don't know" Liam says moving closer to me so he's stood inbetween my legs. He's got that look in his eyes again.

"I think I have an idea" I say before pressing my lips to his softly.

"Well then" he says kissing me again "I think we better go upstairs don't you"

"Deffinatly" I reply

And with that he scoops me up off the counter and takes us both upstairs.....


2 hours later

"Ding dong"

"Crap was that the door bell!" Liam says sitting bolt upright

"Ding dong"

"Yes it was" I reply pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"It can't be them it's only......" he trails off time goes a lot quicker when your engaging in other activities.

"Its 8 isn't it" I say reaching for my clothes which were all over the floor

"Yeah" he replies doing the same thing

Just then my phone begins to ring, I glance over at the screen and see its Diego calling

I can't even say hello before he starts talking

"You better not be in bed naked right now"

I feel my cheeks turn instantly red.

"What do you mean?" I'm trying to play innocent

"Don't give me that bullshit you know exactly what I mean, you always answer the door as soon as someone presses the bell and your Deffinatly in as both yours and Liams cars are on the drive so get your asses out here and let us in."

"Fine yes you got us, but don't think I haven't noticed that your staring at Brooke every spare chance you get your desperate to get in her pants"

He didn't respond to this just hung up.

"I guess we better go and see them then" Laims says tossing me my top

"Yeah because Diegos already taking the piss he'll think we had another round before letting him in"

Laims laughs and kisses me gently

"Let's get going then"

We dressed quickly and then headed downstairs.

"Finally!" Brooke said as I open the door

"We weren't that long" I say shutting it behind them

"I don't care, I'm just starving" Diego says, I reckon he thinks if he takes the piss anymore I'll tell Brooke he likes her. To be honest I probably will as well.

"So then let's order some food" Liam says pulling out his phone

"Deffinatly" Brooke says

"Well then team, lets get this party started!"

"Indeed says Diego" hi-fiving me.

"Tonight is going to be epic" Brooke adds

It sure was, however my mum was right to be worried as things did get slightly out of hand......

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