Chapter 74 - Ive got an idea

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2 days later

My mind had finally settled on something to do for Liam to help him honor his dad, but I needed some help.

And today when Liam was doing overtime was the perfect time to put my plan Into action.

And that was why I seemed to find myself back at the 21st District, I seemed to spend a lot of time visiting people at work at the moment.

I didn't get to speak to Trudy as she was on the phone but she waved and buzzed me upstairs right away.

I had texted Erin to ask if I could talk to her about something so she was expecting me, but that didn't stop me being slightly anxious as I walked up to the bullpen as its best to expect the unexpected with Intelligence.

But i was relived to find that Erin was the one of only two people up there the other was wearing the S.W.A.T uniform so I guessed they must be in the middle of a case. She also looked familiar but I couldn't tell you where I'd seen her.

They were deep in conversation but when Erin saw me she smiled and got up to say hello.

"Where is everyone?" I asked her "it's way too quiet up here"

"Tell me about it" she replied "Chris and I got benched by Hank, apparently we were to emotionally invested in the case"

"Its like torture having to sit up here not knowing wether or not they got the guy" Chris says

Now she was facing me I could finally get a good look at This Chris she had short black hair and brown eyes and  she was a bit taller than Erin she looked like she was one of those people who kicked ass and was really good at thier job and I would guess that she was about 30.

Now she was facing me I could finally get a good look at This Chris she had short black hair and brown eyes and  she was a bit taller than Erin she looked like she was one of those people who kicked ass and was really good at thier job and I would...

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"Chris Alonso nice to meet you" she said offering her hand to shake

"Jess Casey but most people call me JC" I reply accepting her handshake

Then a look of realisation comes on her face

"Ahhh, Casey as in Matt Casey"

"Yeah" I reply "am I supposed to know you? I have a terrible memory"

"No your good, I used to date a friend of your dad's and he introduced me to him, I'm surprised I still remember the name to be honnest I try to pretend that that relationship never happened"

That's when it clicked she used to date Kelly and I cant really remember why they ended though I do know that when he was supposed to be babysitting me Kelly took me a diner with them as he didn't  want to cancel his date.

"I get what you mean, Kelly Severide is a bit of an asshole although he means well"

She looks shocked that I know its Kelly she's on about but doesn't get chance to respond as Erin interrupts her probably before I mention that she also had a thing with Kelly.

"Anyway what was it you wanted Jess?"

"Ahh yes, i was wondering if you'd noticed that Liam has been a bit quiet lately"

"You know what I was thinking the other day I hadn't really seen him much lately, he spends a lot of time shut up in his room"

"I think its because he's missing his dad its been nearly a year without him now"

"Time really flies doesn't it" she says sadly I could tell she missed Jay too

"So I was thinking I would put together a photo album type thing for him with pictures of him and his dad so he can remember the good times, and I was wondering if you had any pictures of the 3 of you when Liam was a baby?"

"Thats a great idea and I probably do have some pictures somewhere and I'll ask Hank if he has any, you should also ask Will he'll have loads."

That was a brilliant idea! I had completely forgotten about Will and Liam being related, I don't think Liam had spoken to Will in a while either.

"A ha! JC I want a word with you young lady"

"Antonio!" I say turning round to see the rest of Intelligence and S.W.A.T  had arrived back "What ever it was it wasn't my fault promise"

I Honestly had no idea what he wanted to talk about.

"Thats not what I've been told" he replies

"I really have no idea what your going on about" I tell him

"Well I'll tell you then, I finally met Diegos girlfriend the other day and she was telling me how they got together"

Oh shit, I feel my face drain of colour

"In my defence Diego took it further than I thought he would with the stripper dance" I reply fumbling over my words

"Wait what did he do?" Ruzek asks laughing

Antonio ignores him

"So you didn't put the idea in his head" he says to me

"I dared him to do it as a joke, but I didn't think he would do it and Liam isn't entirely innocent in the situation he filmed it" I reply trying to pin the blame off me.

What I didn't notice was that Liam had just walked in behind Antonio I'd completely forgotten he said his overtime was with Intelligence

He had no idea what was going on both with me talking to Erin and this hilarious jokey argument I was having with Antonio

"On that note I best be off, thanks for your help Erin and I'll see you tomorrow for dinner Antonio" I turned round and started walking down the stairs

"Oi Jess do I not even get a hug"  Liam calls after me laughing

I roll my eyes walk back up the stairs peck him on the lips and walk off again.

Something tells me I just threw Liam under the bus slightly with Antonio but oh well.

Next stop Chicago Med to see Will.

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