Chapter 7 - Back at 51

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For this chapter i used the idea of the FBI hijacking the Firehouse from Season 6 episode 18 of Chicago Fire :)


I walked up the drive to 51 kind of annoyed.

My parents had told me that one of them would come and get me after school seeing as I was on crutches and couldn't really walk home.

But they had forgotten and I had been waiting outside my school for a good 20 minutes in the freezing cold before I decided to head over to the Firehouse.

I had barely made it halfway up the drive when a man i didn't recognise came out the door and began walking over to me.

"You need to leave" he said bluntly

I didn't know what to say, first I had been left at school and now I was being told to leave the Firehouse.

"What do you mean I need to leave" I ask him very confused

"No visitors are allowed today" he told me while attempting to shoo me away

"My parents are in there" I tell him holding my ground

"I don't care, you still need to leave" he says turning aggressive.

"I've already waked here from school with a dislocated knee, now you expect me to walk all the way home on it as well" i say kinda pissed off

"Yep" he replies.

I open my mouth ready to have a go at him but before I can I notice another taller man come out of the Firehouse

"Scoville what's going on out here boss said no disruptions" he says to the other guy.

"She says her parents work here, but I know its just a joke and I'm dealing with it" he replies waving him off.

Just then the door flies open and Severide comes out.

"Everything thing OK out here" he asks the two men

"Yep fine" the fist guy replies, "just this girl winding us up saying her parents work here"

Kelly gives both the men a dirty look before walking over to me.

"Bloody Hell Jess, you really did dislocate you knee didn't you" he says with a laugh.

"Yep, and I walked all the way here just to be told to Fuck off" I tell him.

"Come on let's go in" he tells me pulling my bag off my shoulder. He then turns to the two men

"Captain Casey won't be pleased you told his Kid to get lost" he tells them

Both there faces turn to shock horror

"Isn't Casey...."

"The boss yes" says Kelly with a smirk

We proceed to walk straight past the two men and into the fireHouse.

"Where's Boden if dad's the boss" I ask him

"Some conference in Springfield" says Kelly as we turn the corner towards the chiefs office where I presume My father is.

As soon as we reach the door of the office a look after realisation comes across dad's face.

"I was ment to come get you" he says clapping his hand to his forehead

"Yep" I reply

"Jess I'm sorry I completely forgot its been so busy here and you walled all the way here....."

"Its fine" I cut him off "I'm more pissed of with the two idiots who didn't even let me reach the front door"

His face turns from annoyed to very very angry in the space of a second

"What!!" He says the annoyance in his voice obvious

"Yeah, I had barely reached the top of the driveway before some guy comes running out telling me to leave"

"Thats unacceptable" he says crossly

"When I ment no disturbances i didn't mean don't let the bosses daughter in" says a man who I'm assuming is the Boss of whoever those me are.

"They thought I was joking when I said my parents work here" I add

"I'll have a word with them" says another man who I assume was in charge of them And he walks out of the office

"What an earth is going on today?" I ask dad and Kelly

"FBI hijacked the firehouse" says Kelly with a smirk

"51 is specially situated for the investigation they are currently working on" corrects dad

"Just another normal day in the CFD" I say

Both men smile at me and I turn to leave heading to the common room in search of something to eat


"Hey Jess seeing as your here are you going to make us dinner" Hermann asks me a few hours later.

I loved to cook and helped out in the kitchen  whenever I was at 51.

"I would love to" I say getting up from my seat and walking over to the cupboards to see what we had.

"I think we can all agree Jess is by far the best cook here" says Mouch not looking away from the TV

"Hang on what's wrong with my cooking?" Pipes up Cruz

"I'm with mouch on this on Cruz" says Brett "Jess is definitely a great cook"

"So am I cooking for the FBI as well or not?" I ask the room at large.

"I'll help you" says Brett also getting up "we probably should cook for the feds".

Brett and I cook for everyone and like always we get great feedback.

"Forget being a paramedic you should be a professional Chef" says Mouch as he filled his plate for the third time.

"I've already suggested alternative careers" says mum

"No being a paramedic is great" says Capp " and when you obviously get stationed here at 51 you can cook for us every shift"

There are several murmers of agreement at this.

"I'm not cooking for you every shift" I say laughing.

"Yeah someone else might want to cook" says Cruz still not happy that we had publicly dissed his cooking.

Just then the lead FBI agent came in

"We've got eyes on Jackson all hands on deck"

All the FBI agents jump to their feet and dashed out of the common room and out of the main doors.


"Well that was an eventful day" says Gallo as we are all settling down in the bunk room.

I was staying overnight at the Firehouse tonight I always kept some spare clothes and toiletries under the desk in dad's office incase I needed them.

"An eventful lazy day" corrects Ritter

I don't reply but let out a rather large yawn.

"Someone's tired" laughs Stella.

I just shrug my shoulders. She was right it was tired. It had been a long day at school and i had turned up to 51 expecting to relax but instead I helped mum and Sylivie with a deep clean of the Ambo. Today was a perfect time to do It as they were out of service.

I loved spending time with the gang at 51 we were like one big happy family

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