Chapter 33 - What the hell happened

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We wait in the office in an awkward silence for about 10 minutes before we hear the front door buzzer go off

"I'll go and get that" Mr Lewis says getting up leaving Laim and I alone with Mrs Smith.

"I think I'll talk to your parents about you first then take them to see Poppy" she says more to herself than anything

The office door opens a short while later amd Mr Lewis walks in followed by Kelly.

He takes one look at me and my supposedly bruised face, I hadn't yet looked in a mirror, before turning to Mrs Smith

"What the hell happened"

She isn't phased by the hint of aggression in Kelly's voice and talks to him in her usual bitchy professional tone

"Mr Casey I need to tell you that your daughter is in quite a lot of trouble..."

Kelly cuts her off

"I'm not Mr Casey and are you sure she's in trouble, I mean it looks like she been on the receiving end of quite a few punches"

I smile of course Kelly was going to defend me, that's the kind of person he was.

"If your not Mr Casey then who are you then" she says looking confused.

"Kelly Severide her godfather, Captain Casey and his wife aren't currently available so your stuck with me"

"Well then I need to tell you that Jessica has been in yet another fight with the same student as before and yet again it was unprevoked"

I just start crying again why was she sticking up for Poppy when it was her job to support all students.

"I'm not trying to be rude but I don't think it was unprovoked and both Jess and Liam have been through a rough patch lately so surely you can cut them some slack"

"I understand Mr Severide but there really is no excuse for fighting other students"

"Yes I know and trust me she will be punished but I think you need to look into the reason behind the fight that's all" Kelly replies "Right now I'm going to be taking Jess with me"

He beckons for me to stand up, which I do.

"How do I go about getting hold of her parents?" Mrs Smith asks

"I'll tell them you rang and have them call the school when they get back from their call but that couldn't be for hours"

Kelly says putting a hand on my shoulder

"I'll probably stay at 51 tonight" I say turning to Laim and tossing him my car keys.

"Yeah I figured, I'll go home with her and call you later"

I smile at him he really was such an amazing boyfriend.

Kelly and I turn around and walk out of the Office.

"Jess what happened?" He says now much calmer "Your dad told me about last night"

"Its a long story" I say brushing him off

I think he can tell I don't want to talk about it so doesn't say anything else except, "you need to tell your parents they'll help sort it.

I nod and climb into the back of the Squad rig.

Cruz winces slightly at the look of my face.

"Be honest how bad Is it" I say looking him dead in the eyes

"Errr you've got a black eye and a cut on your forehead and I take it you've seen your hand"

"You should see the state of Poppy" I say laughing slightly

Kelly turns round from the front seat and starts at me "Poppy, isn't that the name of....."

"Our new foster placement yes" I finnish "and she's the one who I punched before as well.

"Was it for the same reason as before?" Kelly asks

"That and more" I say with a sigh.

"Let's get back to 51 and get you cleaned up" he says turning back around

And Tony pulls the rig put of the car park heading back to 51.

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